- PentiumII 500 Mhz
- 64MB RAM
- 800 x 600 Display
- 50MB free space
- Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8 or 10
- Internet Explorer 6; 9+ on Vista/7+ for newer skins
EJukebox is 100% clean and contains no viruses, spyware, adware, malware, trojans or banners ads.
EJukebox does not modify your media file associations. EJ does not install any services and it does not run any process other than ejukebox*.exe.
To uninstall: Run the Uninstall.exe and then delete the folder C:\EJukebox
Click Here if you Get an Error after Installing
Win7 + Vista Users: If EJukebox crashes on 'Loading Playback...' Run the EJ desktop shortcut again and it will fix itself.
Install to C:\EJukebox\ not under Program Files so Vista's UAC keeps your settings, db and skin files working together in one place. When possible Vista/Win7 users should start EJukebox by right-clicking C:\EJukebox\EJukebox.exe and selecting 'Run as Administrator".
If EJukebox crashes on 'Loading Playback...'Run the EJ desktop shortcut again and it will fix itself.
If you receive a different error or EJukebox is unable to add music files to the music library the first time you run EJukebox: your system is probably missing some needed system files. Installing the latest version of Internet Explorer from HERE will usually fix the problem.
If that does not work or you receive a "Database Corruption" error the first time you run EJukebox you will need to install the following:
Win95, 98, NT4: Jet 4.0 (SP8)
WinME: Jet 4.0 (SP7)
All Windows Versions: MDAC 8
If EJukebox still does not run, after installing the above: please post your windows version, system specs, and the nature of the error you received HERE. Before posting, make sure to search for your error to see if your problem has already been addressed.
sure to Shutdown EJukebox before installing the upgrade.
Your previous music database, registration status, and settings will remain intact. The same holds true for the Full Install this Upgrade is just a smaller download for those who have already completed a full install.
v5.83 ... August 9th, 2020
-New option for Youtube Api Key on Other tab .
v5.82 ... May 20th 2016
-fixes EJ crash on Win10 when playing a youtube video after playing a music file.
-improves youtube error handling and start speed for all.
v5.80 ... May 25th 2015
-adds A-Z bar sound meter animation option
-fixes NetRelated
-adds support for HTML5 web video under Vista and newer
-adds Set Web Steaming mode option to set HTML5 on or off
-now allows Playback Speed changes while streaming in HTML5
v5.75 ... October 3rd
-disables new sound meter on EJukebox 2Web when canvas not supported or EJ vu meter not running
-fixes Download MP4 and quicktime playback method
-makes clicking the stop button on 2web show the play button instead of pause
-various optimizations and fixes
v5.74 ... September 20th
-New Sliders, Buttons and VU Meter on EJukebox2WEB
-added support for .cdg Karaoke files
-Various Fixes and Tweaks
v5.72 ... June 5th
-added Download Mp4 ability to the Viz button menu when playing internet video
-added Find Internet Video to the Viz button menu when not playing internet video
-changed Google button on virtual keyboard to Internet video search
-A5 Vinyl is now the first time default skin instead of A5 NeoBlues
-Various Fixes and Tweaks