Hi Audiosoft,
My own "Youtube Api key" works good ! Thanks for this new "necessary option" in eJukebox.
But... for me, when loaded inside eJubebox (from France... I don't know if it is because of that ?), Youtube videos are still EXTREM Low Quality :
"360 Medium" is the max that i can get in eJ. The same videos links, when loaded directly on Youtube in my web broswer, stream normally and with a
lot better image quality !
But this problem with Youtube videos low quality inside eJukebox is not new for me... So I still can't use this feature, unfortunately.
Is it possible to increase Youtube videos streaming quality when loaded in eJukebox ? eJukebox streaming options from the visualization button don't
help much (the real streaming quality don't increase : a lot of "big squares" when in full screen...). It streams a lot better for me from my
windows web browser (Chrome or Edge).
Maybe the IE version used in eJ is too old, because in eJ when i click "Set web streaming mode" option; in the songlist area, Youtube just says this
is a legacy browser... which would need to be updated. I've removed IE from the Windows system options list, but it seems eJ still use it's own
Audiosoft, maybe could you send the videos streams from eJukebox (atleast when fullscreen), to the default browser installed on windows ?
Thanks for this "2020" update !