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posted on 2-11-2008 at 02:33 PM
eJukebox 5 Beta 45
5 Beta 45 Full Installer - Download HERE
*Make sure to Shutdown eJukebox before running the installer!
5 Beta 45 (v4.99.45) - January 14th 2009
-eJukebox now no longer requires the user to enable 'allow statusbar updates via script'.
-fixed album icons in playlist so they show when it has no album name or has short 1-2 character album name
5 Beta 44 (v4.99.44) - January 3nd 2009
-fixed shelf3d/carousel not loading the songlist for some users
-fixed new vista ripper was not inserting the auto looked up cover image in the database correctly
-can now add [DBImport] options in ejukebox.ini to prevent cover lookup data in mp3s from being imported during database rebuilding. *explanation of
import options is HERE
5 Beta 41 - January 2nd 2009
-added new Vista compatible CD to MP3 Ripper based on Lame encoder. Includes CDDB and auto cover image lookup. May need to restart
once after installing for new ripper to start working on vista.
-Legacy Ripper still available on Tools menu for non-Vista users
-added support for .FLV ~ use with internal player and K-Lite or other ffdshow flv codec. Allows you to import downloaded youtube music video files
without needing to convert to another video format
-made internal player pause while seeking so it performs better on vista.
-added CTRL+> shortcut to play next song -added CTRL+< shortcut to last played song
-added support for multimedia keyboard Home, Seach and back/forward buttons to control the songlist
-when in kiosk mode multimedia keyboard program function keys such as email and messenger are disabled so user can't access outside of eJukebox
-made shortcut keys work in kiosk and fullscreen even if another window ontop of eJukebox.
-fixed shortcuts were not working while searchbox open
-fixed transition animations so they can animate at the same time
-fixed clicking Shoutcast links on new shoutcast station listings were not being detected correctly
-fixed CD Rippers were creating unique cover image file for each track if you changed ripper cover from lookup image (evidenced by Setimage4all button
showing in editor)
-fixed CD Rippers were not deleting the file from the database when already exists when filepath contained single quote(s) '
-can now add [DBImport]IgnoreEJCovers=1 to ejukebox.ini to force eJukebox to lookup new covers instead of using ej lookup data stored in mp3 tags.
this will not effect cover/folder.jpg or images stored inside the mp3 id3 tag.
5 Beta 40 - December 28 2008
-added upnext transition animation and display option - Animate/Slide Up Next and Songlist Transition
-fixed songlist/albumlist flicker and songlist title failing to animate - after clicking upnext area's artist or album
-got rid of flicker when new transition animations end
5 Beta 39 ~ 4.99.39 - December 25 2008
-made playlist album icons larger when it is the first of 2 or more with the same album name or is a unique album on a single song added to playlst
-added Display option for new "Animate/Slide Songlist Transition" effect - currently disabled by default - always off when albumlist open - check
to enable the effect
-reorganized display options panel sections
-Removed Default Skin Edit Menu on Tools because Clone would copy all sub skins
-Made internal windows media player the default for first time users even when winamp detected
-fixed Create was not working when no existed yet
5 Beta 38 - December 18 2008 *Released as v4.99.38 in Full\Upgrade Installers...Download HERE at Audiosoft.Net
-fixed Show Album Icons in Playlist was not working when Upnext display disabled
-reorganized display options panel into songlist and playlist sections
-kiosk mode 'enable right click' option now also enable/disables save and load playlist on playlist menu as kiosk user could use save dialog to gain
access to the file system
-Full Installer now points to C:\eJukebox\ by default since Vista's UAC moves Skins, inis and db files when installed under Program Files. Default
Install folder was C:\Program Files\eJukebox\.
5 Beta 37 - December 12 2008
-added display option "Show Album Icons in Playlist". Uncheck to show Track Lengths.
-New Tools menu options under Skin Name to Reload Skin, Clone to New Skin Name, Edit Skin images and dis/ini elements, ColorPicker, Create
and Skin Dev and Download forum links
-fixes issue where the genre, year and tools menu were being closed when mouse goes over shelf3d
-separated kiosk mode options 'enable right click' and 'enable drag and drop'
5 Beta 36 - December 08 2008
-added small album icons next to tracks in playlist
-new wma reader if original reader fails on file
-changed database update status text from 'Loading MP3 Info' to 'Loading Media File Info'
-can now add a visoralbumlistbar.png to skins for over the top of the AlbumListHeader.jpg . makes it possible to alpha overlay ontop of the bar +
buttons and extend the shape of the bar and/or create a shadow effect over the album list.
-added 'Remove Missing' and 'Rebuild Folder' buttons to main database update dialog instead of having them under a Clean/Refresh button
5 Beta 35 - November 30 2008
-adds Tag WRITE support for .FLAC, .OGG, .APE, .WMA, .MPC, .MP4, and .AAC to the eJukebox song editor. Title, Artist, Album, Genre, Year, Track
changes in Editor now written to file.
5 Beta 34 - November 29 2008
-added Tag READ support for .FLAC, .OGG, .APE, .MPC, .MP4, and .AAC when song file is added to your eJukebox database or folder is rebuit.
This is in addition to existing .MP3 and .WMA tag support. New fallback mp3 reader used if original reader fails on a mp3 file.
All extensions above now support reading in at least the following info from the tags: Title, Artist, Album, Genre, Year, Track # and Comment
-removedf extra rows at bottom of the artist list in beta 33
-updated MEDIA key so it brings eJukebox all the way to the top
5 Beta 33 - November 12 2008
-decreased cpu/disk usage during song change
-now automatically searches for Winamp in the localized Windows 'Programs' directory instead of only "Program Files"
-made internal player stop command (right click play/pause button) pause at 0 sec so prevent playback stoppage does not interrupt
-decreased cpu usage while playing internet radio
-fixed playtime progress display so it no longer reverts to the full display length when stopped or after paused for awhile - full length shown when
internet radio playing
-made virtual keyboard show GO instead of SEARCH when http
-added JPG support for queuebaclong.jpg/gif for playlist background that gets stretched horizontally to playlist width as queuebaclongX.jpg in .dis
-various code tweaks
5 Beta 32 - October 22 2008
-added .flac support (drag&drop operation and db import based on folder/file name)
-new option on Sound Tab for internal player to "Start Videos Fullscreen"
-can now Double-Click 'now playing' video to go fullscreen and click to jump out of fullscreen
-"Media" Keyboard key now restores and brings eJukebox to the top and focuses it when eJukebox is running
-added SEEK support for Keyboard << >> Media Keys. Hold down for 1 second to activate SEEK. Release before 1 second to goto previous or
next songs and not seek.
-keyboard should no longer trigger error message during eJukebox startup and shutdown
-fixed shelf/carousel visor png so it reappears when keyboard search begins instead of ends
-fixed blank/empty search was showing "Searching..." caption
-fixed it so httpS:// works from the top right search box
-fixed the top right search box so when the text cursor position is changed it no longer moves to the end of the text
-removed x close button on playing video border
-fixed playing video so it is no longer hidden if you switch option to use winamp for playback while 'use internal player for video' is checked
-fixed video was not visible when << clicked to go back to last video when playing audio in winamp while use internal player for video
-video window no longer shows up at startup before eJukebox is visible
-unchecking "Start Playback on Startup" should now always work properly for winamp and internal player
5 Beta 31 - September 21st 2008
-2Web updated to v3.0:
-2Web is now also functional in non-internet explorer browsers such as Firefox and Chrome.
-2Web automatic data sync every 10 seconds no longer interfers with a simultanious list/command request from the user. makes sure new search list
always shows up
-added up and down arrows next to songs in 2web playlist for reordering
-removed 2Web allow-nonIE browser check screen
-made clicking 2Web search icon (at top right) select the current search box text so user can start typing right away
-added 2Web option to disable alternate content for PocketPC encase new PocketPC's work better with full content.
5 Beta 30 - September 12th 2008
-added .mkv video file find/import during database building, add new and drop file on the playlist
-various speed tweaks
-new optional shutdown confirmation dialog for X button
-added ability to use larger popcase.png and a layout.ini file in the albumpop folder of the skin. can add layout.ini with the following structure to
set the cover's position under the popcase.png:
5 Beta 29 - August 6th 2008 (102 downloads)
-updated database setup so last resort of using sub folder for artist works when album folder has a "-" as long as it does not have a " - " with
spaces around it. in that case it uses the first part before the - for the artist.
-updated so it will be able to get the artist from sub folder when 3 numbers are in the track #.
-performance tweak. eJukebox now uses less hard drive access. fixed eJukebox was reading an ejukebox.ini setting over and over which was causing an
unnecessary read at around 125KB/s all the time when eJukebox was not minimized.
-added NEW to Shelf3D Fullscreen A-Z to list newest albums
-fixed black desktop cover during skin change while kiosk or fullscreen so it always covers entire desktop after changing resolutions
-added anti-aliasing for angled images in Shelf3D
-fixed Shelf3D and carousel were reloading unnecessarily when previous and next clicked at bottom of songlist
-new Display tab option "Songlist Max per page"
5 Beta 28 - July 24th (74 downloads)
-eJukebox will now grab the Artist name from the sub folder name i.e. /Artist/album/track - song.mp3 when no artist in file name or tag and no "-"
in the first folder name like /artist - album/track song.mp3.
-fixes visorcar.png not resizing to the correct width.
-shelf3d and carousel for home now honor the home view's last played setting
-eJukebox volume control shortcut when not focused is now CTRL SHIFT +/-
-home view now always shows top albums on page...used to not show them when using the carousel
-when non-edv with widscreen enabled fixed artistlist hiding and leaving black space after clicking Popular, Refreshing album list, lookup missing
covers, genre and year menu item and search enter
5 Beta 27 - July 16th (37 downloads)
*NOTE Beta 27 refreshed after 10 downloads.....-fixes multimedia keyboard keys |>|| << >> not working under first beta 27
-fixed mis-alignment of bottom sizer after "start in kiosk mode"
-fixed beta 26 overlay pngs not showing after skin change while fullscreen or kiosk
-fixed resize problem with shelf/carousel visor png
-fixed CTRL +/- shorcut was adjusting the volume to fast
-keyboard shortcut watch now not started until right after eJukebox loaded and made visible instead of earlier - prevents crashing from keyboard input
during startup process
5 Beta 26 - July 8th (46 downloads)
-added < > arrows to view more than the top 10 songs on Home view
-fixed it so eJukebox exits when windows is shutting down and does not interrupt the system shutdown/restart.
-CTRL +/- now controls eJukebox volume even when eJukebox minimized or not focused.
-added Keyboard number pad control (<- -> * Enter) for Shelf3D
-Press 3 or the / key on the number pad to top the album list or focus Shelf3D
-keyboard number pad control now works with numbers lock on the same as off. number pad 4 and 6 keys now also work like arrows.
-number pad 8 and 2 now also work like up and down arrows for moving selected song in playlist
-eJukebox now hides your desktop during the skin change process if full screen or kiosk.
Control eJukebox with Keyboard Number Pad:
5 = focus Artist list - optionally then do any a-z key to jump to artist section
<- -> = change current selection
Enter = list current selection - add to playlist
* = Play selected song in songlist or album in albumlist/shelf3d
/ = Focus Album list/Shelf3D
. = Focus Songlist
0 = Focus Playlist - up and down arrows work in playlist to move song position after selecting with <- ->
5 Beta 25 - June 23nd (55 downloads)
-fixed bugs with new artist list keyboard functionality
-can now use your keyboard keypad to control eJukebox
5 Beta 24 - June 23nd (13 downloads)
-New Keyboard Shortcut Keys for using the Artist List
- < > or <- -> arrow keys and the Enter key can now control Artist List Selection
-Number 5 Key or KeyPad 5 Key is the new keyboard shortcut to Focus the Artist List
*note: the above requires a refresh of the artist list once under beta 24 or later in order for the <- -> selection to start on the right artist
after pressing a-z
-fixed AlbumListHeaderANI.gif animated gif so it no longer covers up the album list header caption
-A-Z Album List Jump (and Artist List name click) now accurately aligns the artist name header at the top of the album list (when separated by artist)
taking into account the skin's styles.
*note: the above requires a refresh of the album list once under beta 24 or later to see the jump alignment improvement.
5 Beta 23 - June 22nd (14 downloads)
-fixed shelf3d sometimes would load the albums but not show anything in the display
-added artist list right-click menu for quick links
-fixed lyrics quicklink on right click song was not searching the song title
5 Beta 22 - June 15th (33 downloads)
-fixes the 'songs not playing unless you click play' issue some had with the internal player.
-fixed multimedia keyboard << and >> keys so they only move one song at a time instead of repeatedly going to the next and next song if
you held the key down a long time....prevents accidental skipping of songs.
5 Beta 21 - June 14th (11 downloads)
-attempt to fix the 'songs not playing unless you click play' issue some had with the internal player.
5 Beta 20- June 12th (19 downloads)
-fixed gdiplus error/freeze on eJukebox startup when carousel disabled
-added "Disable Autoscrolling" option to the end of the display options panel. This turns off the autoscrolling when the mouse is over the top or
bottom of the Artist, Song, or Album list
-fixed internet radio with beta 18,19 was not showing the album name found from the autocover-lookup
-fixed clicking a-z letter INSIDE artistlist was hiding the artist list when widescreen enabled and not edv mode
-visorcar.png now shown after toggling show carousel option
-can now add a "shelfbg.jpg" to the skin and it will become the background image in Shelf3D when the skin is loaded.
5 Beta 19 - June 4th (41 downloads)
-fixes problem with beta18 database backup restoration operation not having the correct backup file path.
-unlikely to ever happen but the database restoration has also been updated to attempt to repair the backup if it is also somehow corrupt.
-made database editor no longer show in the taskbar
-made database editor come back on screen if it is off screen when you edit a song.
-database now automatically backed up to eJukebox\ejuke.bac on Shutdown BEFORE compacting database. This gives extra protection incase ejukebox is
killed in the task manager while it is compacting the database.
5 Beta 18 - June 3rd (23 downloads)
-updated to ensure that when you add an album to the database with no cover image and play a song from it: the auto lookup will not modify the
existing album name if one already exists and will automatically set the matching year and image for the rest of the songs in the album.
-fixes problem where the album name in the database (not the tag) on the first time played/lookup song was being slightly changed when parenthesis
were in the album name which also prevented the image from being set for the rest of the songs in the album until each was played and looked up.
-eJukebox now prompts user to create a new database or Restore from Backup - if database becomes corrupted and repair operation fails.
-fixed visorcar.png so that it always resizes to the correct width in the display when eJukebox is in widescreen mode but not edv
-moved center album in Shelf3D 5 pixels lower in the display
-updated Shelf3D fullscreen options and play album buttons to use icons instead of text.
-fixed missing "W" in Shelf3D fullscreen a-z letters
-fixed Shelf3D a-z letters were sometimes changing to garbled characters after clicking on them
-fixed Shelf3D font color option so it no longer changes a-z letter colors since that made it very prone to crashing.
-New options you can add to ejukebox.ini to disable database compacting and database backup creation:
*if you use these put them under the existing [Shutdown] heading in ejukebox.ini. Make sure you only have only one [Shutdown] heading.
5 Beta 17 - May 23nd
-fixed some auto-lookup images were failing to load properly in Shelf3D causing it to show missing image icons for images that were showing up fine
everywhere else.
-fixed's left margin in eJukebox so that the large cover in details view fits EDV without is moving the image lower.
5 Beta 16 - May 22nd (19 downloads)
-Made adding new songs to the database (database setup and drop new files on playlist) faster and got rid of the initial delay after it finds all the
eJukebox now handles the insertion of images in the database faster while requiring less memory. This also improves the song editor's speed as well
as all cover lookup/download operations.
-fixed closing editor when viewing info link webpage was causing songlist to get stuck and only display white page is back again for artist and album info links as well as the 'Find Online' button. is back too.
5 Beta 15: - May 3rd
-eJukebox now displays the Top 50 albums in Shelf3D on Startup and Home view
-Shelf3D and carousel are no longer forced to reload when already displaying the home/same a-z letter's albums
-made carousel/shelf3d png visor get hidden before http/info links start loading
-changed artist and album info links to since no longer works under the new amazon site will be back once I
get converted to the new api
-lyrics info link updated to new site since old lyrics site is gone
*note beta 15 will only replace your current artist, album and lyrics links in your quicklinks.ini...if the old default links were being used for
those values.
-added skin support for an animated albumlist header. can now add an AlbumListHeaderANI.gif to skin to overlap AlbumListHeader.jpg with an animated
-option added to colors.ini so that skin can set how far from the top of eJukebox the now playing Stars appear.
5 Beta 12: - March 8th (179 downloads)
-updated multithreading on Shelf3D A-Z Fullscreen so that the albums load faster.
-'Now Playing' Slide Out/In Animation effects are now forced to finish within 500ms. Frame rate is now automatically adjusted so that it can
complete the song change animations fast enough regardless of the cpu.
5 Beta 11: - March 5th (36 downloads)
-a-z is now multithreaded so that eJukebox remains responsive and no longer feels frozen when its loading the shelf3d/carousel albums.
-can now click the different a-z letters fast and it will cancel the loading of previous letter's shelf3d/carousel albumset.
-loading a songlist (click artist name after a-z letter) also stops the previous albumset from continuing to load.
-fixed shelf3d side albums disappearing/appearing smaller than normal after loading new albums when the last load was not finished.
5 Beta 10: - March 4th (15 downloads)
-improved shelf3d and carousel loading speed
-shelf3d a-z limit raised to 50 most picked from albums instead of 40
-shelf3d/carousel a-z now filters out compilations
-fixed shelf3d/carousel a-z was crashing when no albums found
5 Beta 9: - March 2nd (36 downloads)
-fixes Shelf3D was showing only the Home and NoCover image after newest songs were listed.
-fixes 'beta 8 refresh' was crashing on no Shelf3D albums found
5 Beta 8: - Feb 25th (56 downloads)
-new 'Play Album' button in Shelf3D Fullscreen
-Shelf3D now remains full screen and doesn't jump out when next song starts playing
-fixes Shelf3D fullscreen a-z was not working correctly when eJukebox artist list was hidden
-prevents internet radio from getting stuck
-fixes eJukebox always starting with the same autoplay track
5 Beta 7: - Feb 22nd (31 downloads)
-Shelf3D 'Image Size' setting now automatically gets restored after you click the Save button while normal and fullscreen
-made Shelf3D and carousel a-z handle leading THE, LE, LES, LA and L'
-made it so playback always stops after the last song in the playlist when auto play is disabled. no matter if prevent playback stoppage is checked or
you are using with winamp or the internal player. also updated to make sure the last song in playlist is removed from the playlist display once it
starts playing
*Note: Beta 7 updated (after 13 downloads) - now fixes playlist track times showing 0:00 when Next Song display is disabled.
Beta 6: - Feb 18th (37 downloads)
-Prevents eJukebox from crashing when no Shelf3D related albums are found.
-updated more to ensure that the full resolution of your art is always used in Shelf3D.
-Increased Shelf3D Image Size slider option from maximum of 800 pixels to 1200.
-Increases maximum Shelf3D A-Z albums from 30 to 40. eventually will add new option to increase the max to whatever you wish.
Beta 5: - Feb 18th
-Full Resolution images now also used for Shelf3D's A-Z
-when original image is not square eJukebox will now cache/resample the image to sameXsame based on image's original max height/width instead of
always 400x400.
Ensures full resolution images also get used when the original is not square.
Beta 4: - Feb 18th (12 downloads)
-Shelf3D now uses your original full resolution cover imaes (when they are square) instead of creating new 400x400 images.
This makes it load faster and allows your high resolution covers to display at full quality in Shelf3D and Shelf3D Fullscreen.
note: the above works on the songlist only; not on a-z until Beta 5
Beta 3: - Feb 18th (15 downloads)
-attempt to prevent eJukebox from crashing when no Shelf3D related albums were found.
Beta 2: - Feb 16th
-New "Set Height" Display option for Shelf3D. Allows you to make the embedded Shelf3D area larger or smaller.
Beta 1: (62 downloads) - Feb 11th
-New Shelf3D display option to replace carousel. Enabled by default.
-Right click in Shelf3D for Advanced options and Full Screen button
-Use mouse wheel or click album to progress Shelf3D albums
-Click center Shelf3D album to list its tracks.
-Drag any Shelf3D album to playlist
-Shelf3D caches its album images the first time they are needed so that it is able to load them much faster the next time
-Right click over Shelf3D->Click Options for tons of customization options
Recommended Shelf3D Background:
Right click over Shelf3D->Click Options->Paste the following URL for background image or save the image and enter local file path.
Well I hope you guys like Shelf3D. Rather than charge everyone extra for the advanced Shelf3D features as an addon I have decided to make them free
for all eJukebox Pro users. I spent a ton of time on this so if you really like it and have cash to spare feel free to order an extra license or
donate to with paypal. I would really appreciate it!
Have fun and let me know what you think!
5 Beta 45 Full Installer - Download HERE
5 Beta 45 Upgrade Installer - Download HERE
*Make sure to Shutdown eJukebox before running the installer!
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 04:07 PM
Waohh!! Audiosoft.. Fantastic work! !! 
Your Shelf3D looks incredibly good with your EJ Remix skin! For a beta version it already works quite good.
Thank you so much for your hard and long work on this.. 
Keep up your excellent work!
posted on 2-11-2008 at 04:23 PM
Thanks Pirk! Have fun with all the new options!
BTW I have been using it with Crimson 2.1 and that background I suggested for a couple weeks now! One of these days we will get around to making some
new skins right? I was thinking I would totally redo SilverTunez or EJ Remix with pngs like crimson 2.1 uses. It would require IE7 but most people
have that now...right?
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 05:47 PM
I'm full of fun with your new "Shelf3D"!! So, Yes I'm motived to make some new skins.. Well it's easy to say, but not easy to make a new skin for me.. But I'm ready for one of these days! 
Glad you want to use PNGs in the new skins! Indeed I think that most people have IE7 now..
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 05:51 PM
Not working
When i try to install, it stops with a yellow "blinking" Error copying file, and i can not stop it by pressing the red cross. I can only stop it by
going to the task manager at stop the program from there. Any solution?
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 06:02 PM
Have made like Audiosoft says?
To install: Shutdown eJukebox and download the attached file. Copy the downloaded file over your old C:\Program Files\eJukebox\ejukebox.exe
posted on 2-11-2008 at 07:08 PM
The attached file is not an installer. If you have not installed eJukebox yet you need to first download and run the eJukebox v4.9 Full Installer
found here:
Then to install the beta you must manually copy over/replace the ejukebox.exe in C:\Program Files\eJukebox\ejukebox.exe with the file attached in
the first post.
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 07:25 PM
A little screenshot of The New Gem!
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 08:05 PM
I also slightly worked on my Crimson skin (only "beta" yet..) while I was waiting for the new 3D carousel!! 
Now I have some work to fit my skin to the new "Shelf3D"..
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 09:06 PM
Audiosoft's Eye
Otherwise Audiosoft, you have made a Extraordinary Sum of Work on this new Shelf3D: All these fine options, and the Fullscreen mode too.. Spectacular!

You have a lot of talent.
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 09:16 PM
A bit disturbing your eye on the world, even though!
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 09:40 PM
Wow! O.K. ... But wow! This looks great and has potential... and yes - i need to edit the blacklight-skin.
Here a quick-and-dirty-solution. ;-)
Keep up the good work, audiosoft...
And now excuse me... I have to play (with) something.
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 09:50 PM
Here a quick-and-dirty-solution:
"dirty" mchawk? Your solution is already quite good!
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 10:16 PM
Thanks, pirk.
But I only used the nowplaying-background. If it is not "dirty" ... in any case it was "quick" 
...and taking a good look in the screen-shot, I see some work on the details.
BTW: I just tested the Shelf3D at 800x600 pixels: Forget it! No chance. Absolutely not practical.
1024 x 786 is the minimum to use this feature.
I think, I don't look for a 800x600-Touchscreen at ebay anymore.
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 10:49 PM
I agree, sure 800x600 that is now definitively too much cramped.. That was perfect for eJ 2.xx versions in 2003!
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posted on 2-11-2008 at 11:09 PM
I disagree fellas!
Ok, I may be biased because I have an 800*600 touchscreen and don't want to spend the money upgrading - LOL!
The coverflow display could be resized within the skin to around the same size as the carousel and work perfectly well.
Don't give up on the 800*600 yet please guys!!
Audiosft - love the new display - but I have some suggestions for the future:
1 - Tie the cover display to the album list instead of the artist list. The reason I say this, is that by pinning it to the artist list, there are a
lot of compilations coming up before the true artist list - which I find undesirable. Maybe Compilations could be listed after "z"?
2 - At the moment, whatever letter is pressed will only display albums by the letter of that artist. Would it be possible to have the letter pressed
as the starting point, but be able to actually scroll through the entire album list?
3 - The home view currently shows no albums at startup. A letter has to be pressed before any covers display. Could either the top 10, 20 or 40 albums
show on home view - or even all albums as per request (2)?
4 - Lastly, and I guess probably difficult to program, could the album covers rotate after say 30 seconds of idling as per the carousel?
That's my 2 penneth - I don't ask much do I??!! - LOL!
But seriously, great work Audiosoft!!
posted on 2-11-2008 at 11:35 PM
SimonC, I think I can do all of your requests.
For sure beta 2 will have an option somewhere to set/change the height of Shelf3D to however many pixels you want. That way it can align good on
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posted on 2-12-2008 at 03:27 AM
Not sure if anybody else has problems but version 5 crashes like crazy for me. I can't even play a song or search for a song without Ejukebox
crashing without an error. Went back to 4.9 and it works fine again.
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posted on 2-12-2008 at 01:36 PM
Quote: | Message original : SimonC
I disagree fellas!
Ok, I may be biased because I have an 800*600 touchscreen and don't want to spend the money upgrading - LOL!
The coverflow display could be resized within the skin to around the same size as the carousel and work perfectly well.
Don't give up on the 800*600 yet please guys!!
Audiosft - love the new display - but I have some suggestions for the future:
1 - Tie the cover display to the album list instead of the artist list. The reason I say this, is that by pinning it to the artist list, there are a
lot of compilations coming up before the true artist list - which I find undesirable. Maybe Compilations could be listed after "z"?
2 - At the moment, whatever letter is pressed will only display albums by the letter of that artist. Would it be possible to have the letter pressed
as the starting point, but be able to actually scroll through the entire album list?
3 - The home view currently shows no albums at startup. A letter has to be pressed before any covers display. Could either the top 10, 20 or 40 albums
show on home view - or even all albums as per request (2)?
4 - Lastly, and I guess probably difficult to program, could the album covers rotate after say 30 seconds of idling as per the carousel?
That's my 2 penneth - I don't ask much do I??!! - LOL!
But seriously, great work Audiosoft!! |
OK, I understand that 800x600 is still used on touchscreens.. You are not the first to say that! 
Otherwise, all your suggestions are good, and necessary! Thanks.
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posted on 2-13-2008 at 11:20 PM
in which file can I edit the Shelf3D-settings?
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posted on 2-13-2008 at 11:32 PM
memory usage
I haven't downloaded this yet as I need to set up my Jukebox PC, but a couple of quick questions -
1 - does the new carousel shelf use much more memory / processor? - I have it on a reasonably low powered PC.
2 - If it does take up more, can it be switched off?
Thanks! Screens look fantastic!!!
posted on 2-14-2008 at 12:44 AM
I am working on allowing shelf3d settings to be loaded from individual skins. I will let you know which file to edit when it is ready.
RE: does the new carousel shelf use much more memory / processor? - I have it on a reasonably low powered PC.
CPU usage should actually be less with Shelf3D since it does not rotate like the carousel.
If you uncheck "Run in Ram" consumption will be very low and it will use around the same amount as the carousel.
If you enable "Run in Ram" it will use about double the carousel because the images are twice as big.
RE: If it does take up more, can it be switched off?
Yes, just uncheck "Use Shelf3D" under the display options and it goes back to the old carousel.
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posted on 2-14-2008 at 08:51 AM
eJukebox disappears (shuts down) whenever I try and perform a search. Running on XP machine.
Any progress with the zero song length or sorting of "the" artists bugs?
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posted on 2-14-2008 at 02:06 PM
Can confirm what Blackcat says above, exits for me if you try and do a search.
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posted on 2-14-2008 at 05:58 PM
Small problem -
when I load up v 5 beta1 (shows in the splash), the shelf 3d is enabled and I get a grey screen where the image should be. I have tried to right
click on it to paste in the link, but it does not do anything, there is no response to right click). what I have noticed though is that when it
loads, my task bar still has ejukebox 4.91 in showing. any ideas?
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posted on 2-14-2008 at 07:31 PM
A trail:
Quote: | Message original : Well_Jaggy
Small problem -
when I load up v 5 beta1 (shows in the splash), the shelf 3d is enabled and I get a grey screen where the image should be. I have tried to right
click on it to paste in the link, but it does not do anything, there is no response to right click). what I have noticed though is that when it
loads, my task bar still has ejukebox 4.91 in showing. any ideas? |
It's only a Beta version...
posted on 2-14-2008 at 07:50 PM
RE: eJukebox disappears (shuts down) whenever I try and perform a search. Running on XP machine.
I am on XP and am having trouble reproducing this. What skin are you guys using? Does this happen no matter the skin? Same when from the virtual
keyboard and not? any search input does this only when shelf3D is enabled? help me track this down.
I believe the only thing that could cause zero song length in the playlist would be if your media files have the hidden file attribute or are in a
hidden folder. Am I right? I am looking into the THE resort issue with the album list and shelf3d a-z. I should be able to get that working good for
shelf3d but the Album list might be to complex to rework without tripling the time it takes to load. It is a pretty complex thing to ignore THE. I was
able to pull it off with the artist list but on both artists and albums it may be too cpu/memory hungry. I will look it over again and see what can be
This is how the beta versions will show up....
splash - taskbar
v5 beta 1 - 4.91
v5 beta 2 - 4.92 (edit: still reads 4.91)
v5 beta 3 - 4.93
you get the only 5.0 final will say 5.0 on the exe and taskbar. This way the new version check can detect a difference when 5.0 final comes
RE: screenshot with grey screen
Hmm...Does it stay like that screenshot or do the albums come up after you list some songs?
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posted on 2-14-2008 at 08:17 PM
yeah, I know its only beta. kind of why I thought I would highlight this.
Audiosoft, when I click on albums, the 3d shelf dissapears altogether and uses the whole right hand side for the album list(it also did this with
carousel), and even when I go back to home, it does not re-appear and all the other info like top 10 songs, top 10 artest etc moves to the top of the
screen. (also did this with carousel).
I kind of figured that the version numbering may be like that, but I thought I would mention it just in case.
I use win xp SP2.
posted on 2-14-2008 at 08:24 PM
Yes when you open the full album list it hides shelf3d. It is supposed to do that. You need to x close the album list to use shelf3d. BTW Beta 1 does
not load any images in shelf3d on startup/home view yet. that will change soon. my question was do you always get that grey screen or does shelf3d
start working when the album list is closed and you view a song list?
Posting Freak
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posted on 2-14-2008 at 08:30 PM
It seems that eJukebox 4.91 crash each time you search something that does'nt exist in the database. You can try to search for "3000" or "qwerty"
for instance..
I also noticed that eJ starts a lot faster since this beta. That's great!
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