posted on 10-5-2004 at 05:33 AM
eJukebox v3.95/6 List of Changes
Here is the list of eJukebox v3.95 changes over v3.88:
Main Interface
-New Left Panel Resizing Ability. Playlist now shows track play times when there is enough room for them.
-New AutoScroll Enhancement - Mouse Over the bottom or top of the artist, album or song lists to AutoScroll.
-New Album List Pin lock album list position
-New Export Button on Popularity and Custom AutoPlay Modes Settings Panel: to quickly output all matching songs to a playlist file
-added Genre Selectbox to Artistlist
-got rid of Artistlist Flicker
-smoothed out Now Playing panel song change animation
-changed Popular button so it shows top 100 songs instead of top 200 - so it loads faster
-Updated eJukebox's ONCLICK animation effect to be semi-transparent and color definable via skin
-added Display option to disable onClick animation effect
-artist and album quicklinks now point to by default instead of google
-can now also close popup menus by right clicking on them
-eJukebox now remembers artistlist open state for next startup
-Artistlistbar letters now spread over the height of the bar
-Typing artist name in album list now shows current jump text in albumlistbar
-hid "View All Songs" in artist list until mouse over letter header
-added Keyboard Shortcut CTRL+A to get Next AutoPlay Song
-various speed tweaks
Bug Fixes
-Fixed Cover Lookup not working.
-Fixed Cover Lookup sometime changing artist name
-Fixed Shoutcast streams not playing when you click listen links in eJukebox
-fixed "Link Songlist to currently playing song's album when Inactive" so it only works when eJukebox has that focus is not stolen when
eJukebox is in the background
-fixed Keyboard shortcuts sometimes not working correctly on the songlist.
-various other bug fixes
-Separated ID3 Tag Editor from eJukebox window. Editor can now be positioned anywhere on screen
-Song Editor and CD Ripper now support changing the album cover image by Dragging an album cover image from a webpage or local file and Dropping it on
the album cover area.
-Improved Editor Speed and Look
-Added ability to expand Lyrics View in Editor
-Added button in Editor to Preview ID3 Encoded Album Cover Images Full Size
-Editor now sorts compilations together correctly
-updated Genre Set4All button so it works for compilation albums
-New "Enable Shoutcast Stream Playback Inside of 2Web Interface" Option to embed shoutcast stream playback in web page via windows media player 9
-Now sends compressed JPG cover images instead of large BMP files for ID3 cover images
Skin Engine
-added ability to skin fonts in album list
-added [AnimationEffect] Color= to colors.ini for onClick animation effect
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posted on 10-5-2004 at 08:54 AM
As usual a lot of new cool features to toy with Especially impressed by
the work you've laid down into the editor this time.. It feels like a reborn in many ways and it's so much faster! Thanks a lot
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posted on 10-5-2004 at 05:12 PM
Ahh got the update. Agree I do like the separate editor - its good. But... and I really dont want to turn into a grumpy old man - I am so surprised
you havent fixed the inability to add albums to playlist. This is a MAJOR bug that I have mentioned a number of times, and others have agreed (so its
not just me). Audiosoft could you please at least recognise this as a problem.
Many thanks!
posted on 10-5-2004 at 08:30 PM
RE: inability to add albums to playlist
You mean adding compilation albums via the right click menu, right? We will have that fixed for the next version. Until then, you should be able to
drag the compilation album to the playlist to add the whole thing.
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posted on 10-5-2004 at 09:02 PM
re: add album - wahooo i'm not going mad then I look forward to the new
version - Many thanks!
Oh and by the way - the export to playlist function rocks!
posted on 10-6-2004 at 10:20 AM
v3.96 has been released....List of Changes:
Fixed v3.95 full screen and left panel disappearing bugs. Fixed album cover image download not working correctly. Fixed Quick Pick/Add to Playlist
menu not working for compilations.
posted on 10-6-2004 at 10:31 AM
TIP: Hold the left mouse down while Auto-Scrolling to scroll faster.
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posted on 10-6-2004 at 12:38 PM
Very nice, the Ctl.- A shortcut works great......Where can you now adjust the font in the album list?
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posted on 10-6-2004 at 03:11 PM
new version
Nice job with the update, the export feature rocks big time! I'm stoked for that improvement, very nicely done. It worked like a charm to transferr
my files to my portable
posted on 10-6-2004 at 10:45 PM
Quote: |
Where can you now adjust the font in the album list?
The album list fonts can now be adjusted via the skin. See:
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posted on 10-6-2004 at 11:20 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by Audiosoft
TIP: Hold the left mouse down while Auto-Scrolling to scroll faster. |
Maybe one could even give slightly more steam on to this engine?
Don't know, I maybe think the scrolling moves a little too slow, when wanting to scroll to through relative large amounts of albums.. Nice feature
posted on 10-6-2004 at 11:25 PM
RE: Maybe one could even give slightly more steam on to this engine?
Want even more speed? Hold down the CTRL key along with the left mouse
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posted on 10-6-2004 at 11:28 PM
Lol! Now we're talking