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posted on 6-25-2004 at 09:57 PM
Album cover mismatch between Now Playing and Albumlist/Songlist/Edit area
Here's a problem I've been having for at least the last 5 revisions.
Occasionally I get different album covers between the Now Playing view and the albumlist/songlist areas.
For example, right this second, Avril Lavigne's little head should be peering at me in Now Playing, because autoplay mode has brought up a song
from her album "Under My Skin". Instead, I'm seeing an album cover from what appears to be "American Idol Season 3", even
though I don't think I have any songs which ever would have even put that cover on my hard drive. If I click on the name of the album in Now
Playing, in the songlist area I do indeed see the PROPER album cover and not those annoying American Idol kids. If I edit the song's database
entry I ALSO see the proper album cover.
However the only way to get "Now Playing" to show the proper cover appears to be to actually CHANGE the album cover in the database
record--even though it appears to be correct already. If I go to Allmusic.com, for example, and manually capture the URL of an album cover, and THEN
paste it into the database record... THAT will work.
Any ideas? Given the fact that I'm pretty sure I don't even HAVE a song that's on the AI3 album, I don't think it's as
simple as a dababase looking at the wrong place. And it's not like it's looking the song up incorrectly if the proper cover is being shown
elsewhere in eJ. Also, it seems to be fairly random which albums this happens for. It's mostly marginal artists--where I might only have a song
from an album and not the whole thing, but it's annoying.
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posted on 6-25-2004 at 10:03 PM
Okay, the actual albums and songs may not be important, but who knows? It's also happening to songs from the new Wilco album--"A Ghost Is
Born". I don't know what it's displaying, but its certainly not the right thing. I get the little picture of an egg that's
supposed to be the cover in the album/songlists and some green swirly thing in the Now Playing.
posted on 6-25-2004 at 10:19 PM
These album covers had ID3 tag encoded images correct?...
This sounds like it might be related to the bug (in v3.76 - v3.85) that was causing ID3 tag encoded cover images not to be saved to the eJukebox
database during music database building, resulting in covers disappearing after the images in the hard drive based cache expired.
If you click the album cover inside the editor to view the large version of the image do you see the "messed up" one?
Rebuilding your database under v3.86 should fix this problem and prevent it from occurring again.
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posted on 6-26-2004 at 01:28 AM
Quote: | Originally posted by Audiosoft
These album covers had ID3 tag encoded images correct?... |
They don't appear to be. And just in case I was remembering wrong, I just looked at them inside Abander TagControl 2, and that doesn't seem
to show encoded images--so I think I'm right.
Quote: | This sounds like it might be related to the bug (in v3.76 - v3.85) that was causing ID3 tag encoded cover images not to be
saved to the eJukebox database during music database building, resulting in covers disappearing after the images in the hard drive based cache
expired. |
Are these inside the ejuke.asn?
Quote: | If
you click the album cover inside the editor to view the large version of the image do you see the "messed up" one?
Yes. I do.
Quote: | Rebuilding your database under v3.86 should fix this problem and prevent it from occurring again. |
Nope. Sorry. It hasn't. Assuming I'm right about the ejuke.asn above, is that supposed to be completely cleared out by a rebuild? I mean
the timestamp changed on it, but I suppose that happens all of the time. My albumlist certainly still seems to be several hundred albums long,
despite the fact that all my popularity stats are gone.
posted on 6-26-2004 at 03:43 AM
Ah, ok....well it must just be a few songs in the online lookup database have wrong large covers for the same album. You can use eJukebox to set the
correct allmusic.com image by clicking the "Use Image from..." button in the editor .... then click the "SetImage4All" button that
appears after you specify the image to apply it to all songs with the same artist and album name.
You should be able to see your popularity stats on the homeview if you change the "Only show entries when the Song or a song from the
Artist/Album has been played in the last: " selectbox option on the homeview page to "Disabled"
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posted on 6-26-2004 at 04:28 AM
You mean rebuilding the database isn't supposed to reset all my popularity settings (okay, I don't know for sure it's ALL of them, but
at the least all of the elements visible on the Top 10 songs, Top 5 Albums and Top Artists lists, even if the Option is set to Disabled)?
This has always been one of my objections to having to rebuild so often (besides losing enhanced information on OOG and WMA files). When I do a
rebuild, bam... the Top 10 Songs, Top 5 Albums and Top Artists information on the homepage resets to blank. Is there a setting for this or am I just
misunderstanding the situation?
As for the large image being wrong, I guess my concern is less about how to fix it (I'd gotten that far) and more to see if I could keep it from
happening again to future songs. Is that large image stored somewhere different from the small one? I know the problem isn't inherently fixed
with my existing files unless I overwrite the album cover, but is it likely to happen again with new covers I look up?
posted on 6-26-2004 at 05:04 AM
Popularity pick count data should be restored, after rebuilding, for all mp3 files on local hard drives. It will be lost for non-mp3 files or files on
networked drives, after rebuilding.
RE: The different large album cover problem should not happen very often...it is just a problem with the online lookup database not having a large
version of the particular image available. Rebuilding doesn't fix or correct this particular problem. The only way to prevent this from happening
is to "Use Image From..." in the editor to permanently set the correct image.
Posts: 212
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posted on 6-26-2004 at 02:31 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by Audiosoft
Popularity pick count data should be restored, after rebuilding, for all mp3 files on local hard drives. It will be lost for non-mp3 files or files on
networked drives, after rebuilding.
RE: The different large album cover problem should not happen very often...it is just a problem with the online lookup database not having a large
version of the particular image available. Rebuilding doesn't fix or correct this particular problem. The only way to prevent this from happening
is to "Use Image From..." in the editor to permanently set the correct image. |
Okay, maybe "local drives" is the key here. My files are on a network share--accessible via a UNC.
Is there a possible way to eventually make this process more network-friendly in the future? I can't be the only one storing files that way
who'd benefit from an easier, less destructive rebuild process for them. Literally every rebuild for me is like starting over--although
I'll admit that still having the star ratings (at least for the mp3 files) helps a lot, even if all the popularity data seems gone. Perhaps a
way to back popularity data up to some external file and reintegrate it BACK at some later time? It seems that might even be useful to people with
local drives, since it could help them avoid losing that data for non-MP3 files.
As for the large images... check. Got it. I just wanted to know if that was the case or if more could be done. Thanks.