I am currently using eJukebox with winamp to create a VideoAudio Stream channel using OBS and a few other programs. I made a video and it is on
youtube and here is the link that shows you an overview of how I did it with Winamp.
Streaming music channel using NGINX and OBS
You can use ejukebox as the primary server and get a much better channel and keep the web control just set the port to 8080 so as not to interfere
with the nginx server that is streaming the rtmp channel.
I have attached an image of the current channel output using animated gif images and using ejukebox, up next and now playing features.
I hope to make a newer video soon that will show the whole current setup I have using ejukebox, but the youtube video will show how easy it is to get
a channel up and running.
What I failed to say in the original post is I use a script that allows for a voice announcer using autohotkey, however ejukebox has a built-in voice
driver, my script allows for more customization to what the DJ says, before,during and after the song is played, plus a barker function that can be
set to announce every hour or 15mins in a different voice. That script is free to download on the AHKscript forums and is covered in the video.