SqrSoft Advanced Crossfading Output marche tres bien avec le format MPC . Mais par contre unne fois installe j ai le plugin volume logic qui ne
fonctionne plus. Y a t il incompatibilite entre ces 2 plugins ?
Translation :
SqrSoft Advanced Crossfading Output goes very well with format MPC. But on the other hand unne time installs J have the plugin logic volume which does
not function any more. Is there incompatibility between these 2 plugins?
Yes and No
Both plugins are so-called "Output-PlugIns". Normaly you only can choose only One "output-plugin" in Winamp.
But if you double-click on the "Volume logic"-Plugin you can choose a second one - like the sqr-crossfader.
@pirk: Maybe you can translate... I tried to learn french at school - but I wasn't very good... an it's a looooooong time ago.
ok i ' ll try differents tests.
So for me english language is not easy since school has there more than 20 years.
So excuse me for my english....
brice & mchawk,
Faites comme moi... / Do like me...
PS: These dictionnaries are installed on my PC of course..
Encore faut il avoir le temps de les consulter...
Translation :
Still is necessary it to have time to consult them…
il suffit juste de taper le(s) mot(s) que tu comprends pas dans le logiciel Bibliorom, pas d'apprendre les dicos par coeur..