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Popularity Mode always plays the same artist
admi-ral - 7-22-2004 at 09:41 AM

Hi there,

when i switch on popularity mode, ej doesn't shuffle the 20.000 mp3s but always plays songs from only 1 or 2 Artists, although the settings show that it should play every song (0played up to 4x-played; 0 Stars up to 5 stars)... alltogether over 20.000 mp3s

I tried different settings, and it's not everytime the same artist but always just one or two:/
The same happens in custom-mode, for example i prefer musicals as genre, all files out of one directory play after each other in stead of mixing the different directories which contain musical-files

is it a bug or my settings? -(

Audiosoft - 7-22-2004 at 07:20 PM

This may be happening because:
0 stars is not the same thing as "unrated"

You need to press down the "Hybrid" button under Popularity mode in order for eJukebox to include songs without star ratings.

Enabling "Hybrid" makes it so that the Star Rating settings are used to include songs with Star Ratings and the Pick Count settings are used to include songs that do not have a Star Rating.

If you already had Hybrid enabled... make sure you are using the latest version of eJukebox (v3.88).

admi-ral - 7-23-2004 at 02:22 PM


i have the latest version .88, hybrid is enabled, so there are 20.000 songs to play in these modes (rated and unrated songs) ... :-/ another idea?

Nattefrost - 9-8-2004 at 04:28 AM

Actually, popularity mode used to work quite well for me, It shuffled just like it was supposed to, until today, I added 3000 or so more songs for a total of more than 34,000 and all of a sudden both popularity and custom modes play songs only from 1 or 2 artists. Even If I set it to play songs that I haven't heard yet, it will play only from 1 or 2 artists even If I restart those respective play modes. I did not change anything, just added more files to the database. This is really annoying and I have only 5 days on my trial (I will buy If I solve this prob). Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

BTW. I'm using 3.88.

Update: After further testing I have discovered that this problem occurs to me when I add, more or less, over 32,000 files on the database. Having any number of files below that mark seems to make the random mode work correctly. Suggestions?