Suddenly, probably related to a systemcrash followed by a cold reboot, my fonts in the homeview and fonts of artistnames in the albumlist has become
very small and unbolded. I have tried with different ejukebox.ini's without luck. Also I've tried a database rebuild, without results. Is a
complete reinstall of ej the way to go? Will I need a new regcode then?
Any ideas on how to fix it without a reinstallation?
No reinstallation needed. All you need to do is put your mouse over the HomeView...hold down the Ctrl key and move the scrollwheel on your mouse to resize the text. Do the same for the album list.
Ah great! Didn't know about that trick, nice way to increase/decrease the textsize. Thanks a lot!
Great, was wondering about this one too I have only seen this at the youth club, and thought it was due to some strange IE setting... now that i know, i'll fix it at the youth club as well.
This seems to be a "hotkey" in IE to increase/decrease fonts. It works in opera as well, but there one gets real zooming/scaling instead.
Sometimes I wish that Ej used Opera to display the albumlist instead of IE. So many cools
things that could be done. Real zooming on to albumcovers for instance
But guess explorer is more common place since it's built into windows. Unfortunately, as opera beats it many times when it comes to
functionality, resource usage and general performance.. Highly recommended!