is it just me or does this not work for anyone. it doesn't do anything with it checked on. i tryed in in every play mode and without a paymode on and nothing happens when i leave a song play and don't touch it at all. am i doing something wrong or do i misunderstand the function of this feature?
It will update the songlist to the now playing song's album - when the current song changes - if you haven't touched the
mouse for a minute or more.
To see it work move the playtime so there is like -1:10 left for the currently playing song and do not touch the mouse see it work when
when the song changes and it updates the songlist.
Ah? that works very good for me, no matter the playing mode!
Normally the songlist is updated each time the now playing song change providing you don't have touched the mouse and the keyboard since at least
1 minute... There is nothing else to do than wait and see!
[edit] Sorry Audiosoft, i haven't seen your reply... this new feature is very good!
the song stops and does not update the list at all. the up next says -1 songs
any idea what is causing this?
You need to have a song in the playlist or have an AutoPlay mode enabled.
don't mean to be a pest but whenever i add an entire album to the playlist wheter by clicking the little play button or via the right click menu
it adds the whole album to the list, plays the 1st song and then stops. any suggestions?