in the album view, when covers aren't present yet, some albums do not show up as others normally would...
(example 1, screenshot with this message)
some albums without covers come up as a small grey bar with its cd title under it;
(example 2, screenshot with following post)
others it seems like a album cover was supposed to be displayed, but instead its cd title appears where the image would be, and no cd title below the
the previous version, i remember only the first one happening when no album cover is present... not sure why its doing two different things though
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I think, in example 1, you only need to restart eJukebox in order it "digest" the new albums you have just added, or it's just after an
auto look-up for new covers. Restart eJukebox, and things should be better...
In your example 2, these "black" albums don't have any cover for the moment!
Maybe you could easily add a "No cover" default image also for the album list, the virgin cd disk you already use for the player, or another
good neutral image?
That would be nicer than the actual "black box bad sized"... And the display would be more homogeneous!
As long as this image could be user-defined, it would be allright by me. At my setup, the empty covers look quite allright, but i use more neutral
colors. I would also suggest this for the default eJ settings, as the light blue color on the frames are quite .. .welll... they are light blue!
From my ejukebox.ini:
junk, you know what? Now i use your plastic bag! Even, i like it enough...
I've tried your settings: Well, without any frame, of course... the size problems are less loud!
Otherwize, you are right, a default image which could be user-defined would be perfect...
A job for the new skinning system?
Here's how it looks anyway.
Yes, we can see you have some phantom albums...
But the dark atmosphere do first-class!