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Similar titled album not displayed in album list
aaronND2000 - 11-18-2003 at 12:41 AM

I had Jay-Z The Blueprint in my database already and today I added Blueprint 2. When I list songs by artist, the album is in there with the picture displayed, but when i go to album list, it is nowhere to be found. If I click on the original Blueprint album, it will bring both of the albums, and even has them separated with the correct images. Why won't it display the album in the album list?

Demnos - 11-18-2003 at 09:36 AM

Actually, this is probably the result of a very useful feature: for double CDs (or any n-CD album) you don't want 2 entries on your album view. But I always thought that this feature only worked when the two albums were called "The Blueprint CD1" and "The Blueprint CD2" or "Disk 1" and "Disk 2". But maybe a simple "2" is enough?

Anyway, try to rename the album to "Blueprint Two" and see what happens....

aaronND2000 - 11-24-2003 at 12:29 AM

Renamed album like you suggested and ej correctly displays it now. Thanks!