For some reason all my front covers with Classical genre have suddenly become 16 colour gifs (well thats what they look like) and it looks bloody
Thing is I remote desktop in from work (and on my remote desktop setting I have the colours turned right down to speed up the connection) and if there
is nothing in my eJukebox playlist it plays "classical" genre music by default - so I can only think that its something to do with Remoting
in from work and now eJukebox has set them all like this I have tried
restarting the machine - but I really can not face going into each album again and manually browsing for all the images again
Please help
OK I really need a reply on this. I have worked out that it is not just the classical genre - it is EVERY album that I have manually browsed for - every single one is now a really bad looking image (as if 8 coloured gif or something) - it looks rubbish. Please could someone give me some suggestions please....
I have read your post several times, and i have tried to make sense out of your situation... but sorry, it seems completely illogical.
I use remote administration myself, using my home PC from work. But ... there is no reason the id3tag image should be corrupted by this. It is still
loaded and saved on your home PC, which in theory should neither know nor care what resolution your remote admin program is using.
Can you post a screenshot of this? It'd be interesting.
Junk many thanks for having a go! I am not saying that it is definitely remote desktop....
here is pic...
the lord of the rings and the bluegrass album covers are OK - the rest - as you can see have gone....*&*&
Man, this is horrible. Words cannot describe it, you should have posted a screenshot right away.
So this only applies to the images you have inserted using eJukebox' own "use image from" function?
And this happened after you installed 3.5? To do some proper error seeking, try installing an older version of Jukebox, and see if the problem still
ochristmas, have you tried v3.53 yet? Just curious. Are your images TOTALLY compliant with eJ's image standards? Very strange indeed.
Good luck!
1. Yes I have tried v3.53 and its still wrong
2. Errrr not sure what the exact spec is to be TOTALLY compliant but they are images entered as URLs taken (mostly) from AMG.
Hmm.. url's... never tried that. Have you tried rebuilding the database with the new eJukebox version?
Do these images ONLY appear like this when using remote desktop to access eJukebox? If so this explains the problem - " (and on my remote desktop setting I have the colours turned right down to speed up the connection)". Up the remote desktop setting to 16bit color and see what happens...
haha No they dont only appear like this on Remote Desktop - I would be
able to work that out But also its not all images (as you can see from
screen grab) just some...
Am currently rebuilding db again to see how that goes....
Wahoooooo! 2nd rebuild worked - Wahoooo - all back and pretty - and I feel all confident again
Thanks for everyones help - particularly Junk - I appreciate it.
Hmm Dont know what happened but hey - I can listen in peace again! Thanks again
Hey! Cool! Glad to be able to help... even though we are still in the blind of what caused the error... but. Well... It's all over now. (dang i find myself thinking in song titles each time i am writing in this forum.. felt like adding a "baby blue" this time). :p