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Control of moving using the LEFT and RIGHT keyboard keys in eJukebox lists
Pirk - 3-17-2003 at 02:47 PM

When LEFT and RIGHT arrows are used to move along eJukebox lists, is there a way to prevent the scroll to continue immediately after the key is released?
Currently it seems eJ don't care about the time where the key is released, so the moving continue too far... In fact, I think it continue until the keyboard buffer be empty. It's a bit annoying because it's too
imprecise, especially for long lists.


Audiosoft - 3-17-2003 at 10:43 PM

We are looking into this.

Pirk - 5-25-2003 at 06:36 PM


When LEFT and RIGHT arrows are used to move along eJukebox lists, is there a way to prevent the scroll to continue immediately after the key is released?

Originally posted by Audiosoft
We are looking into this.

Hello Audiosoft,
Something new about this?


Audiosoft - 5-25-2003 at 11:37 PM


I am almost sure we have made the LEFT and RIGHT keys work the best we can.


Currently it seems eJ don't care about the time where the key is released, so the moving continue too far
This is not the case on our development systems as it stops immediatly after you release the key (maybe this is because they are all Pentium 4 systems).

If you are experiencing this problem I would assume that it could easily be fixed by:
Lowering the keyboard "Repeat Rate" from the Keyboard icon on Windows Control Panel.

Pirk - 5-26-2003 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
If you are experiencing this problem I would assume that it could easily be fixed by:
Lowering the keyboard "Repeat Rate" from the Keyboard icon on Windows Control Panel.

eJukebox is the only program where the keyboard repetition is too fast.
If I lower my keyboard, yes it's OK for eJukebox, BUT then the keyboard repetition in all others programs like MS Word, notepad... become really too slow. I think it's not normal that I have to change the default keyboard settings only for eJukebox to the detriment of all the others programs.


Audiosoft - 5-27-2003 at 01:55 AM

OK. I think the problem lies within the cpu not being able to update the selection change on the screen fast enough for the keyboard repeat rate.

We have updated eJukebox so it will ignore the excessive keydown messages. Basically throwing them out when the last selection change hasn't been drawn to the screen yet. Hopefully that will correct this problem for most people. Our initial tests suggest that it will. The most striking change for us was when using the UP and DOWN keys on the Album List (these keys only function for selection when you are not grouping by Artist) used to scroll on forever after releasing the key - now it stops immediately.

However, if your CPU or VIDEO card is to slow - it may not update the screen as fast as it there still may be some extra scrolling do to the non-ejukebox video buffer getting full.

Hopefully this will fix the problem for you, under v3.18, or atleast reduce the amount of extra scrolling.

Pirk - 5-27-2003 at 04:05 PM


Unfortunately for me, the continued scrolling problem isn't reduced by this new release (3.18), even that get worse.
I'll try to explain the result on my (too old) computer:
-Home page: The right and left scroll speed is good, the stop on release is almost immediate. All is OK on the home page.
-Album list: The left and right keys scroll speed is also good, but when the key is released that stop (depending the lenght before release) until 54 albums too far! That was well better on 3.12.
-Song list: The right and left scroll speed is now too much slow on long lists. The stop on release isn't immediate at all, on long lists that is a desaster. I notice, SINCE THIS VERSION, more the list is long, more the scrolling get slow. In extreme cases (depending the lenght before release the key) the scroll continue until almost without end. That can monopolize my computer for a long time before ending to stop. The functioning was also well better before.
I am sorry to be boring with that.


Audiosoft - 5-27-2003 at 07:40 PM


I guess we will have to look into this some more. Are you using eJukebox on a LCD monitor?

Pirk - 5-28-2003 at 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
Are you using eJukebox on a LCD monitor?

No, I use a 15'' normal monitor in 800x600, 32 bpp.
Video card: ATI Rage 128, 32 Mo, AGP 2x,
Keyboard: Standard PS/2 PC/AT extended 102 keys
Windows XP Home Edition (French)
PII 350Mhz
RAM 320 Mo
HD1 60 Go
HD2 40 Go


Pirk - 5-28-2003 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Pirk
it seems eJ don't care about the time where the key is released, so the moving continue too far... In fact, I think it continue until the keyboard buffer be empty.

Don't you think the source of the problem is there?
If you put back all the keyboard programming as it was in v3.12 and if you "simply" DETECT the release of the key (I don't know how to do this), don't you think that would definitively fixe the problem for everyone?
If I am completely wrong, don't take care of my remark. I just try to help you!
