I am getting inconsistent results when adding certain albums to EJ. Occasionally, when viewing albums, all albums for a particular artist will get
added to albums dispayed for the previous (aplhabetically listed) artist. For instance, J Geils albums are shown under Isaac Hayes.
Refreshing folders sometimes works, but just as often result in losing some or all albums entirely.
What can be going on?
Do any of the albums have the same title...for instance Greatest Hits? If so, they usually cause troubles.
Renaming, including getting rid of punctuation, eliminating numbers as part of names, and using completely unique album names, seems to be working.
I am surprised though when it takes several "rebuild folder" cycles for some albums to appear on the album list. Building folders that contain
multiple subdirectories (a single artist with multiple albums) sometimes results in complete loss of displayed albums (by that artist), sometimes
partial addition of albums.
Is there a particular sequence I should be following?
Does the database become less stable as the number of songs/albums/artists increases?
I'm having (almost) the opposite issue - for the last 3 versions or so, albums that used to appear once in the list, now appear two or more times.
I tend to keep discs seperate, so would have things like
young ones (CD1)
young ones (CD2)
etc. which used to appear as a single cover, but now each seems to appear as an album cover.
I think that's just too much work. Are there any good work around in approaching this?