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Viewing Popularity Stats
Beam - 7-2-2003 at 09:32 PM

Song Popularity Stat Options

I can for some reason only see songs I have played in "Disabled" mode, nothing appears if i change to "24 Hours", "Week" or "Month" mode.
I play songs and it appears in "disabled" view but all the others stay blank....

I have tried re-setting all popularity stats which clears the "disabled" view and updates when i add songs but the others stay blank

Any ideas why this should happen?

Audiosoft - 7-2-2003 at 10:28 PM

Hmm.. Did you recently rebuild your database? When you rebuild you loose the last played time for each song...which is what the home view uses to find the 24Hours, Month, Year lists. If this is the case all those options should work after you play a few songs. But only the songs played since the last rebuild will show up for any option other than DISABLED.

Does the "Last Played" list (accessible from the SPECIAL button) list your last played songs correctly?

Also, resetting Popularity Stats will cause all previous popularity counts to be lost. However you can still restore them by rebuilding your database.

Beam - 7-3-2003 at 06:07 PM

Yep I did rebuild my database but have played quite a few albums / individual songs but nothing appears except in DISABLED.
I just checked the "Last Played" list and that updates correctly.
