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1 s missing
Dyno Don - 12-30-2009 at 01:37 PM

Here is a bug that has been around since the very first, I keep thinking you will fix it, but it is still here, so I better tell you about it.
If you add videos, they have no tag, so ej grabs the title from the filename. I have all my filenames for videos correct so ej picks up the names, and I have a folder.jpg in each folder so I get the right covers too.
The problem is when there is a leading 1 in the title. If a 1 appears in a word first, it is dropped.
A title like Bobs band - Bobby (Bobs House 10-12-09) comes out
Bobs band - Bobby (Bobs House 0-12-09)
The 12 is safe because it is inside a word, but the 1 in 10 for October is dropped. It has always done this. We are good at knowing "10" is "Oct" etc. But there are still many times we forget. And if someone bookmarks it, it is locked with the bad spelling. Any idea why all leading 1's are dropped? Only in Videos.

Thanks, Don

Dyno Don - 1-11-2010 at 12:40 AM

No one has this? Or does no one do Videos (files with no tags?)


Audiosoft - 1-12-2010 at 12:24 AM

Thank you Don, the missing 1 has been fixed for the next update.