I don't know how many others have this problem, But both my Ejs and my friends ej crash after closing. A minute or so after I shut down Ej a window
pops up and says EJ has goofed and is being shut down.
All boxes are XP Pro.
It seems to work fine on next try, but it is disconcerting.
Is this normal now?
Always happens to me I just assumed it was my system. Event log entry:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Application Error
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Faulting application ejukebox5beta31.exe, version, faulting module msvbvm60.dll, version, fault address 0x0008c618.
Thanks for reporting on this guys. I believe this shutdown error only occurs if you press a keyboard key right after closing ejukebox. Problem was the hook for media/focused shortcut keys was still alive while the db backup and compression was going on. I updated it so it unhooks as soon as the eJukebox window disappears on closing that way it can't cause an error message. I'll have the fix up sometime this week.
For me, the error happens every single time I quit ej. I seems to occur right as the db compacting finishes. So sometimes it happens seconds after
closing ej, sometimes as much as a minute after. I also believe I have shut it down and walked away to come back and see the crash message. No kyb
intervention. Yet the db is never corrupted and always seems up to date.
Please give Beta 32 a try and let me know if you still get the error on shutdown:
I got about ten perfect exits. Including two reboots along the way and no messages. But then I got one.
Anything you want captured? The error report isn't friendly, but if you need it, let me know.
I will ask the other ej'ers to try it out and I will continue myself. As I said it worked about ten times which is many times better than every time