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Autoscroll not really proportional
Pirk - 9-2-2007 at 10:13 AM


The autoscroll feature in the now playing panel is not perfect: I mean the scrolling "turn on" feature is not really proportional to the panel width. This problem is more annoying since the super EDV mode, because now we can have many different widths for the left panel dependent on the display options you use. I've already put the correct values in [autoscroll] (taken when the panel is at the minimum width possible), but when I use the super edv mode sometimes titles don't scroll while they should scroll. And if I decrease the values in [autoscroll] then when I'm in normal EDV mode some titles scroll while they should not..
So I think the proportionality is not really respected in your autoscroll "formula".


PS: Here is a small screenshot where you can see several "errors":
1) The autoscroll should have turned on for the album name.. It's a shame!
2) There is a strange small circle on the bottom right corner of the album cover image?? Funny! (This circle can also become a square when I reduce the cover size).
3) The headphones! :o