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Next song disappears from Up Next
bnylin - 6-16-2003 at 01:28 AM

Edit the current song by right clicking on the Now Playing album cover. Make a change, and save/exit (I just click the "X" at the top to close). After it pauses playback and returns, the song that was Up Next is now missing!

I'm seeing this consistently with v3.23.

Dyno Don - 6-17-2003 at 08:53 PM

It is not 3.23. I have always noticed it. In fact if I need to edit a song I pick something I don't care about, move to top, and after editing the now playing song, the song I put in as a sacrifice, is gone. Worked that way for some time.


Dyno Don - 6-18-2003 at 09:33 PM

This also happens when you shut down and restart eJ. It remembers the song that was playing and starts it again, but the first one in the list is missing. This also has happened for a long time. I just assumed it couldn't be fixed.


bnylin - 7-19-2003 at 06:33 PM

Any idea when or if the playlist issues can be fixed? Also related to thisissue is the problem of "Move To Top" in the playlist causing a swap instead of shifting everything from #2 on down by 1 position. (in another post)