Something odd happening here. I place 10 songs in the play list and bunch of the songs get skipped. I thought it may be an issue with the mp3's so I
did a test and reloaded the exact same songs. Now it skipped less but played some of the songs it skipped last time.
Tried with a complete new set of songs - same issue.
It seams random on which songs it skips.
Any ideas?
the problem could be that the internal player cannot play the file.....
You will get better audio file support if you set eJukebox to use winamp for playback. Try this:
DOWNLOAD and Install Winamp and then in eJukebox do Tools->Options->Sound
Tab->Check Winamp for Playback method
If you are already using winamp with eJukebox make sure that any external or networked hard drives with music files are on and connected so that those
files can be accessed and played.
Hi Audiosoft.
I am already using Winamp amd the files are stored on my system drive "c" . They are not stored on an external volume or networked drive
I also have the same problem with the same setup, although I've tried using Bookmarks as opposed to playlists. The problem I've found is that if
you add or remove items from the playlist (bookmarks) and this playlist is set as your Bookmark Play Mode, then these songs don't automatically
appear (or disappear) from the list of songs played and you have to select another play mode and then select the playlist back again.
I've also found that when it gets to the end of the play list (Bookmarks) it just cycles through the last two songs each time. I've tried
rebuilding my database to no avail.
This fault is very reproducable.
When you click 'Load Bookmarks or Playlists' under Bookmark mode it reads in the current playlist file(s). After that it does not check for changes
to those files...new songs etc. You need to do 'Load Bookmarks or Playlists' again after bookmarking a song to get it to see the song. That is the
problem you are reporting correct?
For the next update, I will see if I can make eJukebox check for changes to the selected .pls files and automatically reload the songs in Bookmark
I am not loading any playlists per say nor am I using bookmarks. I am just selecting a bunch of songs which the queue up in the playing queue on the
left hand side. If you watch it play through the list what happens is that as a song ends the next song that should start playing just dissappears and
the following song gets queued up to start.
Hi Audiosoft, thanks for the update regarding the refresh of the playlist is required if modified. I was actually reporting two problems in one and now realise from Doffie's last post that our problems are different so I'll start a new thread.