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CD ripper failure
burtzlaff - 5-31-2003 at 05:04 AM

After recently upgrading to vers. 3.18 from 3.12, the CD ripping functionality is lost on my Windows XP system. Ripped tracks are reported as successfully being completed, but the ripping does not actually occur (what used to take several minutes now takes only a second or two, with a correctly named file folder being created, but no track file data in that folder)

Pirk - 5-31-2003 at 06:59 AM

I don't have this problem under Windows XP. Are you sure your CD isn't protected against copy?


burtzlaff - 5-31-2003 at 06:20 PM

Tried several older CDs, CDs that had been previously converted, all exhibit same behavior of reporting successful conversion in eJukebox while not actually doing any conversion.

Pirk - 5-31-2003 at 07:03 PM

Hum...mysterious, and sometimes difficult to apprehend, these problems someone have and the others don't. But maybe someone else will have the same problem?
Good luck.


Audiosoft - 5-31-2003 at 09:03 PM

If you have modified the File naming constuctor options for the Ripped tracks then make sure that they are in the correct format. Try clicking "SET TO DEFAULT" by the file name constructor options and see if that fixes this problem.

burtzlaff - 6-1-2003 at 01:56 AM

That did it, using default track naming brings it back. Proceeded to go back and reorder track naming convention as artist first, album, track, title - and it still works. Mysterious glitch I guess. Thanks to all