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Shows wrong genre, year
dinodino - 6-2-2006 at 02:39 PM

The Genre and year botton at top does´t launch the right albums. It mix up different year and genre even if the album dont have add a genre. ect. rock shows up in trance...
Most of the album are launch right but it seems to mix it with some wrong genre.
The artist list seems to do it right when change genres in the top select box.

Fishy - 6-2-2006 at 05:31 PM

I agree! This is a question of listening what the tags tell ej to do, and ej should listen to this instead of using keywords, which is a bad indicator for genre and year. One of my top naggings and I still hope it will get fixed consistently throughout the program. If you close the albumlist these buttons will give you better results. But, it definately should be true to tags when the albumlist is open as well..

dinodino - 6-2-2006 at 06:13 PM

Thanks - thats right it works with albumlist closed. just strange Ejuke doesn´t read id3 tags same way with albumlist enable.

Pirk - 6-2-2006 at 06:39 PM

I agree too. I don't like the fuzzy albumlists emerged from the genre and year menus: They are completely distorted because of the keywords filter. Only the corresponding tags should be used here too...