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Application id 0 after adding a usb disk
funkyt - 11-24-2005 at 03:06 PM

I have added a usb disk to my system and now my application id is 0.

It is added as C: since my system drive is on D:.

To clarify:
There has never been a C-drive in the pc so ejukebox has not stored any info there ...
I am running a 30 day trial with 23 days left of the period.
I have decided to register ejukebox however it is kind of difficult with applicationid 0...what to do?
reinstall on top of it does not work...

bosh - 11-27-2005 at 06:42 PM

My copy of eJukebox also resorted to applicationID of 0 when I purchased a new hard disk.

I purchased the new disk, and replicated my old disk onto the new disk. Then I removed the old disk and set the new disk as the primary. That's when eJukebox decided to change the appID to 0.

Audiosoft gave me a reg. code to work with the appID 0; but perhaps they won't want everyone having the same appID?

Willum - 11-27-2005 at 07:14 PM

I think the best way is to downlaad EJ again, install it and than you will have a new number.. with that number you can get a new serial (if already had one)