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Winamp 5.11 problem with EJ [Fixed v3.99 Beta 2]
Willum - 10-22-2005 at 08:31 AM

When you install the new Winamp 5.11 EJ Won''t start (lot of pagevaults).. If i'm wrong, please delete this Audiosoft. I't just a warning (and a note to you ofcause)
For you who has updated: old 5.1 can be found at

Pirk - 10-22-2005 at 10:35 AM

Ok, so I'll avoid to install Winamp 5.11 immediately...


Audiosoft - 10-23-2005 at 03:31 AM

Attached is eJukebox v3.99 Beta 2 which fixes eJukebox so it works with Winamp 5.11.

The reason eJukebox was not working with Winamp 5.11 is because that version of Winamp no longer returns the drive letter for the files in its playlist (when the file is on the same drive as winamp)...which resulted in eJukebox getting really confused and thinking the file path returned by winamp was a new file that need to be added to the eJukebox database.

Luckily is was an easy fix. eJukebox v3.99 final will work with Winamp 5.11 plus it will clean up any erroneous database additions caused by running Winamp 5.11 with earlier versions of eJukebox.

I am thinking about releasing this Monday as v3.99 then calling the next update v3.991.

NOTE: Download has been removed. v3.99 Final is now available for download: HERE

Willum - 10-23-2005 at 07:30 AM

Good Job Audiosoft.. will download and install it (install 5.11 not EJ :D)

Pirk - 10-23-2005 at 08:12 AM

Ok, I will test eJukebox with Winamp 5.11

Thanks Audiosoft. :)

Pirk - 10-23-2005 at 09:00 PM

eJukebox 3.99 Beta 2 works good with Winamp 5.11.

PS: I'm longing to test a beta version of eJukebox 4.0! :D