I've been having problems with eJukebox 3.01 corrupting MPC files (Thanks for adding MPC into 3.0, though!).
I'm thinking it's related to eJukebox trying to write tags into the files, as if I set the permissions on the folders containing my mpcs to
read only for everyone including system, the corruption doesn't seem to occur.
is there an option somewhere to have eJukebox not ever try to write ID3 Tags?
As of eJukebox v3.0, tags are only supposed to be allowed to be written to files with ".mp3" in the file name.
We are looking into this issue to see if we have missed something.
What specifically happens to these effected MPC files? Will they still play in Winamp?
When they get corrupted, WinAmp won't play them anymore. Gives the error "File uses intensity stereo, not supported anymore!".
MPCScan gives the error "unrecognized format" for the file. I've got one file saved if you want to have a look at it.
I'm using winamp 2.81 with the mpc plugin .98
Yes, we would appreciate it very much if you could email the mpc file to tech@audiosoft.net.
Thanks for your help.
Does the latest upgrade (v3.1) fix this corruption problem with MPCs or does it just fix the corruption in MP3s?
eJukebox does not support MPC tags so when edits are attempted it should just save the information to the eJukebox database and not effect the file at all. I have just tested this with 1 mpc file and it seems to be the case. No corruption on the file. Hopefully someone else can confirm, in this topic, that MPC are no longer being corrupted under v3.1.