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CTRL-N bringing up Intnernet Explorer not next song
bodmcn - 3-2-2005 at 05:29 AM


Could anyone give me an answer as to why the shortcuts are not working for my eJukebox? CTRL-N brings up IE and nothing else registers.

I am running Windows 98.

cbsoundman - 3-3-2005 at 01:49 PM

CTRL-N is the keyboard shortcut for a new window in Internet Explorer. Make sure that eJukebox is an active window.

mp3junky - 7-7-2006 at 12:53 AM

Saw this posting and I have the same problem. Win 98SE updated patches. EJ 3.999. Bought a remote that passes IR commands to the current application. Touchscreen laptop. EJ in focus (shows on the task bar as selected, tap on EJ to focus) CTRL N opens a new IE window. CTRL P brings up the printer window (a command for windows). Commands work fine with the remote when winamp is in focus (and other applications). Just not EJ. Remote commands are setup for EJ as the application receiving commands. Touchscreen commands don't work in EJ either. Tried the disable keyboard shortcuts without solution. Any help appreciated.

mp3junky - 7-7-2006 at 03:54 AM

ok. Guess I'm good when I can solve my own problems. I was matching the remote hotkey commands with EJ keyboard commands. They also need to match the Winamp hotkey commands (which they did not). Options, Preferences, shows the hotkey commands. Change them to match the needed commands. Only one I can't do is volume up "+". You need to press shift to get the +. It inserts the shift command before the +. I guess the commands are passed to winamp. Those not understood by winamp are passed to windows (CTRL P and N). Once the commands are matched in Winamp hotkeys the touch keyboard works on the commands.

Audiosoft - 7-7-2006 at 05:48 AM

Win98 is outdated like that. It does not support low level keyboard hooks. There are a ton of elements in eJukebox that can get the focus which makes it impossible to detect when the shortcuts are typed without a keyboard hook. It needs to be low level in order to block certain keystrokes such as CTRL+N from opening new internet explorer windows.

I wish I could send you all an ISO of the Win2K installation CD so you would not have this problem. Win2K handles memory better and I believe it is faster than 98 even on systems with low specs.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006 - Microsoft Corp has announced that starting July 11, the company will end support for some of its older Windows versions. In effect, around 70 million users will be left stranded without security updates.

The versions that will be affected, according to Microsoft, are Windows 98, Windows 98 Special Edition (SE), and Windows Millennium Edition (ME). As such, users of these versions will be left with no protection in terms of security patches and other such software fixes that Microsoft regularly issues, leaving them open to attacks by malicious hackers.

Microsoft had in January planned to discontinue updates for older versions, but extended the time period to give users maximum time to upgrade.

Meanwhile, according to industry sources, of the total number of Window users, only around 13 percent of PCs run licensed versions of Windows 98 or Windows ME.

mp3junky - 7-8-2006 at 06:58 AM

Thanks. I have Win2k but not the drivers for the touch pad (PenX). Next purchase and upgrade.
For now everything is working fine - EJ, Winamp, Touchscreen and my remote.