I'd sure like a rebuild scheduler function, so that i could come home from work, and eJ's database would always be fresh. I would set it to
rebuild, for example, each working day at 12:00.
This would spare me a lot of problems with missing files, and i wouldn't have to wait for eJ to rebuild (which is the reason i do it so rarely
This would be nice, I'd also like to have a scan tag info and re-add songs that have changed tags. For example, I still have songs without images in the tags and I add them when they turn up. While it isn't that much extra work to delete the song then re-add it I'd still like the lazyness factor. And as long as I'm here ::hijacks the thread:: Any word on fixing the two songs with the same name by different artists get hidden as duplicates "feature?" Would it be possible to add an option to not autohide duplicate songs?
Yes.. should be a great option ! a rebuild schedular