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Show compilations correctly due to popularity
Fishy - 5-22-2004 at 03:42 AM

Is it possible to list compilations due to their popularity rather than listing them in a bunch when using "do not separate albums by artist - sort by popularity" from the albumlist options?

As it functions now one have to scroll down the albumlist, over all the compilation albums, to see which albums are the most popular.

It could also be interesting to actually see how popular the different compilation albums are, together with the other albums.

In short: It would be great if *all* albums could be listed after their popularity rate, when I beg for it ;)

junk - 5-22-2004 at 11:17 PM

Aha, i see what you mean now! Yes, having the compilations always to rule on top in this listing is kind of meaningles... I never use this mode myself, but it seems quite fun...

Fishy - 5-23-2004 at 09:55 AM

Yepp, you should try it some time. Your life will never be the same afterwards :D