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Support for other file extensions?
Krobar - 4-18-2004 at 01:08 AM

Im hoping this would be an easy extension. Im just beginning to use WV files, these are lossless compressed wave files and the winamp plugin can read id3V1 data from them. These files work fine with EJ but I cant add them through the update database method and have play each one individually in winamp!

Could you just let people specify any additional file extensions in the ejukebox ini file?

junk - 4-18-2004 at 05:03 PM

Aha, that is a great idea! That would make eJ kind of future-proof, as well as a hell of a lot more flexible. :) Would take a burden of Audiosoft when it comes to keeping themselves up to date with adding and testing all the new formats, as well as letting us users experiment all we want with different formats.