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Set Genre For Album
junk - 10-18-2003 at 11:13 PM

Grr... I've done it again. I saw that a Brian Eno album was classed in the genre "electronica", and i wanted it to be in the "ambient" genre. So i opened the album in the editor, changed the genre and did the "set all" trick...

..Before i remembered this changed the genre for all of the artist's songs, not just this album! :(
So then i had to change the albums that were supposed to be "progressive rock" back to what they once were. (Yes, i know, poor me, etc... :P)

Thing is, i know this isn't the first time i've messed up on this, and well... wouldn't it make sense with a set genre for album as well as set genre for all songs?

Pirk - 10-19-2003 at 08:33 AM

Good idea junk, I'm for it! ;)