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The back button and the album/song list...
junk - 10-15-2003 at 12:29 PM

After playing around a bit with the new album/song list solution, i've noticed that it feels logical to use the "back" button to return to the album list after entering an album.

But in eJukebox, you will return to the last "big" step, such as the "My eJukebox" startup screen or similar.

I've seen a lot of new users do this, and become confused. I guess it's a habit developed from browsing the internet, everyone is used to using the "back" button if they want to go back to were they were before clicking on a link.

I wish that if you are in the album list, you click on an album and get the songlist view, and then click back, you return to the album list as before you entered the album.

On a more basic note, i cannot say how much i appreciate not having to wait for the album list to reload every other minute. Lovely stuff. :)!

Audiosoft - 10-16-2003 at 05:35 AM

Glad you are enjoying the real time loading of the albumlist.... :D

You can click the ^ button or the "Albums" button (after the list has completed loading) to top - set fullsize - the album list.

The next version of eJukebox will make the albumlist always leave atleast 1 row of albums visible after loading a songlist. The <-- button probally should only function for one thing - going back to the previous songlist or homeview. We are going to soon add an option to automatically top the album list, based on your mouse movements, which should make it better for all users.

junk - 10-16-2003 at 11:14 AM

Yes, i've noticed both the new ^ button or the "Albums" button, and i use them a lot.

Just one thing, concening the mouse movements... i hope you will have to click as well, not merely move the mouse around the screen to make it flip between the modes.

Since many potential eJukebox users (i am thinking more of the bar / party / installation users now) are people that are not very comfortable with mouse, many of those will be very confused if the screen changes just by moving the mouse around.

If the songlist is on top, a click in the album list area should focus the album list. This should apply to the background as well. In some cases, it could be hard to hit the right spot between the albums (if there are four albums in a row)... so maybe the first click should be absorbed, so users aren't stuck entering different albums, when all they wanted to do was to bring the album list back.

Audiosoft - 10-16-2003 at 04:35 PM

You are probally right about the mouse could be annoying if the user doesn't have to click. For now, we have decided to implement the click method. So in the next version if you click the background in the album list it will make the list full size. We have also made it so there is enough space between the 4 albums in EDV view to click the background without a problem.