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Disable autodetect of new mp3s
pumuckl - 3-18-2003 at 08:49 PM

Could you make the "feature" that eJukeBox detects and inserts new mp3s on first time played optional?

It's very annoying to shut down and restart eJukebox everytime i want to verify a new download (i rename and move them to a new folder afterwards!).

jhlurie - 3-19-2003 at 04:44 PM

Actually, I wouldn't mind the detection of newly downloaded MP3 quite as much if I could easily delete the database entries they create in eJukebox.

I rename MP3s (as well as entire directories) too. I download to one temp area, play them once through to check integrity, and them put them in an "unburned" area (I burn CDs). Then when I get 660Mb of MP3, I burn the CD and rename the directory to indicate it is burned--and from then on it stays on my hard drive with that name permanently.

But this creates the possibility of having two false entries in my database for each song, if I've unfortunately forgotten to tuen off eJukebox.

So I'd prefer the database editing... 'cause even a disablement can be forgotten occasionally.

Audiosoft - 3-19-2003 at 06:18 PM

How about a new option in the eJukebox editor to delete all mp3s (from eJukebox's database only) that were found in the same directory as the song in the editor you click Delete for?

Would this be an acceptable solution to both of you?

pumuckl - 3-19-2003 at 09:35 PM

:D: such an option would be great!!

furthermore it would give one the possibility to do a quick rebuild on parts of your (maybe wery big) library

jhlurie - 3-22-2003 at 05:46 PM

It sounds like a pretty good option. Perhaps to be safer, the option to "delete" a whole directory should be limited to database entries only. If the primary rationale for this is similar to mine (renaming or moving directories), it seems adaquate enough without risking someone accidentally purging lots of actual files--a task which can be accomplised easier outside of eJukebox anyway if someone really want to do that.

Audiosoft - 3-22-2003 at 10:01 PM

Yes, we feel the same way about this. The option to delete a folder will ONLY delete the songs from the database that were found in that folder and Not the actual files.