I have around 5000 songs and I want the ability to tag or rate each song and have this saved in the database - for example by giving it a rating of 1
to 5 stars. Then to have the option to filter out everything that falls below a given rating, both in the play mode feature and in general music
browsing via the main interface (I dont always want to show ALL my files in the main music browser).
I cannot rely on the most played feature to tag music because I may hear something that comes up just once in random play and I think "Hey, I
must tag that so I can pick it again".
Please build in this feature !!
OK the bookmark feature goes part way to doing this, but I'd really like a 1-5 star feature.
Can you add multiple files to a bookmark folder at once ? (eg. all in a playlist)
Don't worry, Audiosoft has stated here that they are working on something like this. If you go through some of the older posts you will see a veeeeery long discussion about this.