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Portable player Sync with eJukebox
Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 02:00 PM


Could you add features to eJukebox to sync a portable player like this one?

Philips sells its product with songbird!

I would need to set the max size of the song list dedicated to the portable player: 0 to 32Gb for instance. unless you can recognize it automatically when connected to the PC via USB.. then once I've made my playlist using the eJukebox list builder, eJukebox would transfer the FILES to the portable player!
My GoGear works in windows like a USB key: song files (MP3, WAV, WMA, FLAC, APE), ID3 Tags with album covers, and folders can be easily read, write or deleted on the player using the windows file system.


Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 06:53 PM

well.. waiting to have a sync feature in eJ, I found a free software named M3USync which is doing this job quite nicely. you give it your playlists and it sync them with your portable player. some features of the program like deleting the previous songs or the browse button are not working for me, but the essential works good: when I press the Sync button all the songs of the selected playlists are automatically duplicated on my GoGear! :cool:


Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 07:12 PM

I will "just" need to add the ID3 cover images to most of my songs.. "curiously" it seems the embedded covers that was added by ejukebox are not recognized by the GoGear!

Audiosoft - 7-24-2010 at 07:45 PM

i can add a "Copy To" button to the list builder or maybe the Playlist Menu button instead. That would work good for most portable players but ipods have no drive letter so would have to build a separate method for that.

Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 07:59 PM

great! that would be good for me if you add a "Copy Songs To" button in the list builder and why not a Sync option in the playlist menu. but if you can't manage the memory space available on the portable player I would need to have at least the Total Size in MB of the selected songs displayed somewhere before to launch the copy.


Audiosoft - 7-24-2010 at 08:06 PM

total size of files and available space on the drive letter are good ideas

Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 08:15 PM

perfect! i don't know if you can Delete the previous songs that are in the sync folder on the portable player before to transfer a new list? that would be useful too.

Audiosoft - 7-24-2010 at 08:40 PM

how about the windows copy dialog think can get that to work
you would select the drive and folder and it would copy the files in the list showing the status the way windows normally does.

Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 08:58 PM

i agree if you use the windows copy dialog. and i think it will be possible for me to select the previous songs "on the fly" and delete them in this dialog box before to launch the new copy.
i hope you can make eJ remembered the last drive and folder used in this dialog box for any future re-sync with the same portable player?

Audiosoft - 7-25-2010 at 01:25 AM

i will see if it is possible to get it to show files when browsing for folder so you can delete if need to free up space

with this exe "Copy Files to" is now on the Playlist Menu button.
also new "Copy Files to" button is on List Builder...both remember the last folder selected

it should prompt you to replace when it exists. Under Win7 there is a checkbox "Do this for the next x conflicts" and on XP if hold Shift and click No you can do 'No to All'.

Replace over your existing C:EJukeboxejukebox.exe

Pirk - 7-25-2010 at 07:59 PM

Thanks a lot Audiosoft.
It works good! but the copied files are sorted on the portable player: all the 01's songs, then all the 02's, then 03's, end so on.. could you add a choice on the copy dialog: "Add the entire path defined in playlist" which copy songs respecting their original album folder path? so that will be more easy for me to delete a specific artist or album on the portable player, if need be.
I hope you can use this kind of dialog box on win7 which is more user-friendly:

Audiosoft - 7-25-2010 at 09:12 PM

Well it obviously can't be the entire path. but maybe an option for # folder levels to include. ideally 1 or 2 folders would work if your paths end with something like /genre/album/filename.mp3

Also i will try to get the full file dialog to show but it might not be possible to make that dialog select a folder. if can't use that dialog for folder selection could always have it open explorer to the output folder first.

Looks like will need to add a new window to show up with these options before you select the output folder.

Pirk - 7-25-2010 at 09:37 PM

of course Audiosoft, i mean to copy only the songs selected in the playlist, but keeping for each song its folder structure like on the source. i think the correct paths are already defined in the playlist file.

M3Usync is a good example for the best way to sync a portable player: they had already thought of everything... have you tried this program Audiosoft? well ok i understand that you must restart from zero.. so much work!

Pirk - 7-25-2010 at 10:17 PM

another idea: my portable player can operate several playlist files .m3u. so maybe we could also copy the .m3u file(s) on the portable player in a specific folder, just after that the corresponding song files have been copied. so i could change the active playlist depending on circumstances!

EDIT: well i don't know the format used by Philips for their "Playlist-on-the-go" files because i can't open them at all on windows.. i think it's not the same standard than winamp even if the extension is .m3u. so forget my request for playlists, at least for this time! ;)