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iTunes syncing
Cowboy - 6-11-2010 at 05:57 AM

I've been using iTunes Smart Playlists to load my ipod. It would be really helpful if star ratings, play counts, and especially date last played data were synced between iTunes & Ejukebox. Ideally, last played data would include EJukebox autoplay.

Are there some settings I can change on my own machine to sync these? If not, can you add the option to Ejukebox?


Cowboy - 7-24-2010 at 09:50 AM

Still no reply??

I don't expect to find many iTunes fans here... We're EJukebox devotees! But I find iTunes really useful, when it comes to syncing an iPod.

So if we forget play counts and star ratings... can you help with just last played data?


Pirk - 7-24-2010 at 07:23 PM

If your iPod shows up in the windows file system, you can use my method: ;)

Audiosoft - 7-24-2010 at 07:45 PM

i can add a "Copy To" button to the list builder or maybe the Playlist Menu button instead. That would work good for most portable players but ipods cannot have a drive letter can they? would have to build a separate method for them. i will see what i can do.

Cowboy - 7-25-2010 at 10:47 PM

Thank for the replies... But I'm not trying to use Ejukebox to sync my iPods. I'd just like to be able to sort my iTunes library by date last played in Ejukebox, or last played overall, including both iTunes, and Ejukebox plays.

If that isn't possible, how about the ability to export the "Last Played" 1000 songs hotlist via list builder?

Thanks again,

Audiosoft - 7-25-2010 at 11:06 PM

RE: If that isn't possible, how about the ability to export the "Last Played" 1000 songs hotlist via list builder?

Well if you use the List Builder and under Last Played check After or Between and set the dates to whenever then click Save Playlist it should work.

Cowboy - 7-25-2010 at 11:17 PM

Yes, but that doesn't include autoplays.

Audiosoft - 7-25-2010 at 11:25 PM

Actually i just tested it and it does include autoplays. You just need to make sure to set the options in the list builder so it is not filtering songs out by pick count or anything else. only last played.

Keep in mind its not a true play log because it only includes the file once for the last time played...not for every time it was played.

now i could make it so when you select a last played date option in the list builder is sorts the outputted list in last played order like Last Played on Hotlists. or would you rather have a new option that simply writes the file path/date-time to a log file every time a song is played?

Cowboy - 7-26-2010 at 12:50 AM

Yes, now I see that it includes autoplays. So, I can export static lists of recently played or highly rated songs... That's pretty good!

It would still be much better if I had that information in a sortable field in iTunes, so I can use it to make auto-updating smart playlists... Any chance?

Thanks again!