Audiosoft, listening to Internet Radios I noticed that sometimes the Next song infos show up in eJukebox. That's great! So.. I hope that you could
update eJukebox with the next song infos, but displayed in the right place: in the "Up Next" box instead of the Now Playing area.. when the next
song infos are available. (cf. screenshot)
Here is the stream of "La Grosse Radio", a Internet Radio showing the Artist and song Title for the Next song:
Unfortunately it seems these infos are not always available on this radio and others.. sometimes there is no info displayed. You can test on "La
Grosse Radio": they (almost) always diffuse some good Rock music!
Maybe you can also retrieve the album image for the next song?
Hoping you can add this feature in eJukebox!
Audiosoft, if the currently streamed Artist ID3 tag starts by "NEXT :" then the Up Next panel should be updated with these new song infos, while the Now Playing panel remains unchanged. Easy! isn't it?
Waiting for the Internet Radio "Up Next" feature, I've made a new no cover image for Internet Radios! but I think it also works good in other cases..
The Top!
New version...
The latest version!
A different style:
PS: It's quite difficult to find a radio who doesn't load album covers!! I'm always impressed by this great feature of eJukebox...
Audiosoft, from where eJ retrieve all these covers for Internet Radios??
Images Globe:
Album Galaxy!
Audiosoft, maybe could you make an album galaxy in Flash for eJukebox?
A full cover can be good too!
I don't know if someone will like this one..