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Music Retail Listening Station Software
Relapse Records - 6-16-2007 at 04:43 AM

I am seeking an application that would serve as a Digital Listening Post in a record store that I am working with. The application's specs are as follows:


The main screen is the store logo and words that instruct the customer to touch anywhere on the touchscreen.

When the customer touches the screen, he/she will find a page with small CD cover images surrounding the store logo and the words "Click CD Cover To Listen." This is the Main Menu.

When the customer clicks a CD cover a page opens up which shows the CD cover bigger, a band photo, band logo if applicable and a biography of the group. The first song plays by default and on the page there are intuitive controls to change the volume and also to navigate between songs. At the bottom of a page there is a "Return To Main Menu" button which will stop the playback and send the customer back to the Main Page.

After a set amount of inactivity the program will reset to the Logo Page automatically. Customers cannot exit this program and can only use the touch screen while using it.


The store staffer should be able to rip CDs into MP3s or provide the MP3s. The system should allow the employee to easily add photos and logos from the net or from a disc/CD-Rom and to add biographical information from the net or from a disc/CD-Rom by cutting and pasting it (formatting is not a major issue here - it can be plain ASCII text or have very light HTML but the input has to be simple. In fact, all of this needs to be simple for employees who are not computer savy.

When new CDs are plugged into the software, they will replace (not augment) older titles on the system. Ideally an employee can rip the files from a CD while searching the net for a usable photo and logo and bio and put that information into a file which will easily overright an older title which is now being removed.


The customer would have access to the LCD Touch Screen and headphones on the counter while behind the counter would be the CPU which has a hard drive and high-speed internet access, a CD-RW drive and floppy drive and a keyboard that employees can use but remains hidden from the customers. The hard drive would be loaded with an OS that can handle the software and be web-ready.

If your software can be modified to work in this manner or something close to it, I can arrange it where the programmer is compensated. I have a budget. You won't get rich but you will have the right to sell the software to other music retailers for whatever you wish. Please hit me up at brian at relapse dot com if you'd like to work with me on this.