I'm updating my Crimson skin adding some better "Play image" PNG graphics in the songlist: cf my screenshot.. And I think it would look even better if when eJukebox is in the "Show
currently playing song's album.." inactivity mode, the PlayOnImage was activated at the same time than the .titleedithi image! In this way the Now
playing song would always be perfectly -and very logically- Highlighted among the other songs of the album.
Thanks a lot.
Note that there are still some duplicate covers in the carousel! Audiosoft..
Is there a way to get a FIXED width for the Artist column in the songlist??
I ask that because I would like the "playicon" column position doesn't vary (depending the artist names) -and so always stays perfectly aligned!-
compared with my Play/Preview icon in the songlist header..
Audiosoft, could you consider my request for a fixed songlist Artist column width? And also the PlayNowOn image activated when in the "eJ show"
mode.. So my skin would look better! (cf my screenshots above)
That would prevent that:
The column widths are fixed they just tend to unfix themselves when the text is too long. Not really anything I can do about that. I will try to get
the play icon to highlight for you when inactive.
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If I add "width=16%" in .artistshow, I manage to block the artist width, BUT then when the artistlist is open the songlist artist column is too
tight. It's a shame! No solution?
I also tried to put width in pixels instead of %, but it's worse.