Hey Audiosoft,
I would find it particularly usefull to be able to export a list of songs that were played on a specific date or date range.
If its already available, I apologise, its just that I couldn't find it anywhere.
Thanks! Lovin your work!
And the Autolist builder? It is not for dogs!
Tools -> Autolist builder
I hadn;t used that before, but I have had a look at it now and its not reallly what I want.
I don;t want to create a playlist or anything like that within E-Jukebox, but I want to be able to export the list of songs / album names etc to an
external file, for example a .txt or .xls
You can still print the eJukebox songlist! Or else maybe you could save the
playlist and then open it in winamp which is probably able to export it as .txt or .xls using a specific plugin..
Of course I agree that a such function fitted directly in the AutoList Builder would be very handy. -> Audiosoft, Requested feature!
Thanks Pirk!
I can open the .m3u playlist in notepad and it does give me some of the info I was looking for, but the downside is that it gives the actual file
name and path rather than the data from the MP3 tag.
I was hoping to have a list of songs with the following info -
Date played, Time played, Artist , Album , Trackname
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Hey Audiosoft, any chance of this being included in a future release?
Audiosoft, I take it this is not one you will consider?
I could make eJukebox write the data you want to an Excel readable text file after every song change but I really do not have time to add such a feature right now...I will try to get to at some point.
That would be good. I appreciate how busy you must be.