I had an idea for a new type of volume controls, but have no idea how it could be implemented since now the sliders size/location is fixed. I made the graphics for what it might look like and they are posted below. The first is no volume, the second is half volume, and the third is full volume. Right now the area behind the boxes is just a gradient and I would imagine it could be easilly skinable as to the box colors. What do you think? Is this possible Audiosoft?
Half volume
Full volume
In Blue
Nice work rllercstr7! Maybe it's a bit too much for just a volum control, but that would be great as a sound visualization. Unless both features could be mixed in one?!
I see what you mean by it being a little too much Pirk, but I kind of did that on purpose so touchscreen users could easilly use the controls. Also I planned that they would disappear by pressing the little volume button as the ones now do. I like the idea of trying to combine the two though. Som maybe when the volume button is depressed the visualization could turn into the sound control. Here is a smaller control with the same idea and a mirror effect.