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Option to show album images without text
Demnos - 2-13-2007 at 01:53 PM

Hi Guys, haven't been here in a looooooooong time.

Question: What I would really like to have is a way to let the Album view show only the album images, with no text underneath.

I have "Do not separate albums by artist" active. And now I either get a very annoying scrolling text that takes up CPU Time and looks terrible, or if I disable the scrolling, then long album names cause a large vertical separation.

Besides, 95% of all album covers clearly have the name of the artist and/or album included in the graphical artwork. And for the rest, I recognize the CD by the photo and not by the text that eJukebox generates.


Do I really need eJukebox to tell me that this is the album "October" by the Band "U2"??? No, of course not! It is clearly visible already!

So my question: Could a future version of eJukebox have an option to display only the cover images, no text? That way, one could fit much more images on one screen at the same time!

Or is this possible already today by means of a skin?

Pirk - 2-13-2007 at 08:29 PM

Hi Demnos! What a good surprise!! :cool:

Show only the album images: Well.. I've tried to change the options of my own albumlist for you. And.. I think I have the solution. ;)
You will laugh, but concerning to me, I have a option "Hide album text" among my albumlist options! :D So, since I've checked this nice option, there is no text at all into my albumlist!
Maybe you don't use a recent version of eJukebox??

Audiosoft - 2-13-2007 at 08:54 PM

Welcome back Demnos! Pirk is correct.... All you need to do is check "Hide album text" under the Album list Options button and refresh the album list.

Demnos - 2-14-2007 at 08:40 AM

:o :o :o :o :o O M G!!! How absolutely embarassing!

My first post in two years and then I make a total fool out of myself. But I could swear this option wasn't there before until you pointed it out to me :)

Anyway, this has got to be the fastest new feature implementation ever. I ask for it...and only minutes later it is included :D

So I tried it abd if course it works perfectly. Thanks to both of you!