Could you add a way to reuse the eJukebox window original size after it has been maximized?
I think that should not be too difficult to do as the window size and position is already saved when you exit eJ..
So if you could add a "Lower level" option (I'm not sure for the spelling..), in the resizing contextual menu of the Top buttons, which reuzes the
saved window size and position, that would be perfect:
At the same time maybe look into why ejukebox is automatically set to low level after one has run a 3d game.
I worked all last week to correct the 3D game problem and various maximize/fullscreen sizing issues. The 3d game problem is actually caused by windows
itself not reporting the correct screen size to eJukebox after switching resolutions and not faulty coding. I fixed up the maximize and fullscreen
functions to get around this issue by using the desktop size instead of the screen size which windows seems to always report correctly. I will have
beta 2 up by the end of the week.
And.. nothing for me, Audiosoft? Window Low Level option..
Hey Audiosoft, I just would like a way to Restore eJukebox to it's previous size and position after I've Maximized the window: Nothing extraordinary
I think..
Maybe "Low Level" was not the correct expression..
Is it not a obviousness for you that should work like that ?!
Well if it was easy I would have a 'Restore' menu item already. Maximizing takes allot of code (think of how many screen elements need to be repositioned/reloaded) and so would restore. Restoring to the previous state on startup is one thing (it is starting at the default size and going from there) but restoring at any time is a whole different thing. I just don't think restore would get allot of use because fullscreen/full desktop is the best way to use eJukebox...isn't it?
Ah.. really? So it seems that I don't weigh the difficulty!
Otherwise of course I agree the "full desktop" is the normal and best way to use eJukebox, when you are on a leisure activity!!
But when you work with other Windows programs on the same screen while you play music in the background.. To have a small eJukebox view somewhere on a
corner of your screen can be interesting too I think.. Only, until now you
need to readjust everythings each time! So in fact, because of that, I nerver use a small view. It's a shame since eJ can do it nicely!
Unless you add the famous song pop-up on track changes when eJ is not focused..? So it comes to life again!!
But I'm sure that you just need to figure out the trick to save/restore eJ "on the flight".
-Maybe could you save the elements position in ram just before to maximize, then reload them when reducing back?-
Thanks a lot