Audiosoft, could it be possible to have the option Delete Artist from EJ ibrary in version 3.991,1 ?.
I have a lot of files with the wrong artist names, (Correct name, wrong case).
céline dion in stead of Céline Dion.
So when deleded I can read them back again, with the option 'Don't peforme case mess up' or something like that., It should be working.
To refresh/rebuild is no option eighter, I don't have the tickbox 'Don't peforme case mess up' available.
"To refresh/rebuild is no option eighter, I don't have the tickbox 'Don't peforme case mess up' available."
This tickbox only appears if you update your database using the "Update database" button there is in the Options/Playlist menu.
If you use the "Tools" button you will not have the "Don't perform case fixing" option from there! (Audiosoft don't "like" this option, so
they have removed it from this menu.)
Notice That The EJukebox Case Fixing Put Caps On Every Words. <--
Hi Pirk,
I know.. I use the option from the playlist menu (the button on the Play Mode tab folder under Presets), but the option to uncheck the 'stay away
from the capitals you bastard !' is only available by 'Add new songs' not when you 'Rebuild or Refresh'.
Hi Willum,
Quote: |
Yes, that was my second try..... But when i rename the db.m3u file, EJ tingk it's a new instalation... so I don't do that, we all now the problem if we need a new serial .
Don't worry Willum, the registration file is always kept in a cool place!
As long as you don't reinstall Windows or format your system HDD/partition, you will never need a new serial:
You can stub out, smash, delete, desinstall and reinstall eJukebox, or just the database, as much as you want...
And no matter if eJ tell you that's a new installation!