I would love to see a "screensaver" modus in ejukebox. Maybe situated in the playlist option menu. Here one could define a time interval for
initiation of the screensaver and have several different screensavers to choose from. Some of these could be:
1. Auto scrolling up and down the albumlist. For instance after 1 minute of inactivity ej would start scrolling up and down the albumlist and give the
user a good overview of the collection.
2. Auto execution of a fullscreen or windowed vis plugin (defined in Winamp).
3. The already implemented "link songlist to currently playing Song's album when inactive.
These are those I can think of now. But I am sure one could add several more, as imagination defines the limits for these
I always wanted to see my Now Playing cover slowly bouncing around the screen, maybe even with the time readout under it if we want to get More fancy