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Balanced rating
Wim - 1-25-2005 at 11:00 AM

The whole family here is fighting over the rating, what we need is true 'balanced' rating. When I rate it 5 and another listener rates it 3 the average rating is 4. When yet another rates it 5, rating goes up etc. Of course, this would mean that the Jukebox should keep track of person or web user (IP address?) rating it, to make sure that no one rates twice.
This immediately leads to a logical other request: if you are already tracking which user is rating, you can also keep track of the number of tracks he requested in the playlist. We would like to be able to set a maximum for the number of songs that can be requested in the playlist. This prevents one person hogging the playlist with songs that another does not like.
You can see we are really enjoying ourselves here!;)