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Now Playing Screen......
Camisano - 11-6-2004 at 10:54 PM

Is it possible to have an option button that allows you to have a now playing screen, allowing the full size jewel case to be displayed in center of the screen and in the lower left or right hand corner of the screen have "Next Song" displayed with size similar to what is displayed now in the Album list. Of course you would need a button to exit this screen or have the "Now Playing" jewel case act as the button to keep the screen uncluttered.

This would be a great feature to have when you have a playlist set up or just have random play by "ALL" or by "Genre". It would be neat and clean looking when there are parties or company/family is over.

Let me know what you think and is it possible for you to do this.

Chris Amisano - 11-8-2004 at 02:43 AM

Sounds like a good idear.