Anyone else hate it?
Slow slow slow slow slow.
Also, although I haven't tried yet, I bet all of our old links in are broken. Anyone else test this?
I'll bet it'll be annoying to try and get album covers from it too. is looking better all of the time.
I hate it too, way to slow. Plus, they messed up the only real reason I use it. Discography.
The site is also virtually unusable in Firefox, and I won't switch back to IE just for this new site.
It left me with a feeling of terror.. They have messed up what once was the perfect search engine for music.. :mad:
Very annoying because all my tag editing are structured around
For all looking for a Site in reference to tagging. This is what I am using. I have not had any problems with it as of yet.
Looks like a pretty nice search engine for cover images....
If anyone would like to use that link for when you click the INFO button in the eJukebox editor and for 'Album Info' on the 'Info
Links' right click menu... you can edit your quicklinks.ini file so it has this:
hmm.. nice site.. I like the size of those coverimages It's not the thing to use if one want albuminformation though.. Do someone know of any good alternatives for at that level? Don't hesitate to post them in "quicklinks edit format" for maximal comfort
The following was posted by an employee on the Usenet group today. I think has makes some good points and I for one have
faith that they will get the problems resolved.
Hey, all... just thought I'd throw in an update here as an employee. Stick with us during these early days of the
relaunch! We're working hard to make our site the best it can be, and,
believe me, we're listening seriously to user feedback. Here's what's
going on...
We've been on the net since 1995 providing a free music reference
resource. We would hope that we've earned a little patience from our
users as we work through the transition to the new site and some of
the difficulties we're experiencing. We're a small company with small
company resources. While we're flattered by our users' expectations,
we are not Amazon or Yahoo! We're a small company from Ann Arbor, MI,
trying to provide a great resource for music fans.
We are experiencing some response time delays as we work to get all of
our servers properly balanced. Additionally, we will be adding server
capacity over the next week which will further improve response times.
While this site is bigger and more complex than and will be somewhat
slower than the old site, the difference once we get everything at
peak form won't be very noticeable.
Optimizing a site of allmusic's complexity and size for all browsers
and operating systems is no small feat. This isn't a simple
"brochure-ware" site of static pages. While we would love to optimize
the AMG sites for all browsers and all operating systems, we simply
don't have the necessary resources to do so. Despite some users
flattering comparison of our site with that of Google, Amazon and
Yahoo!, we are a small company with limited resources. So, we had to
pick the most widely used browser by our users (over 87%) to optimize
the site for and then work on compatibility issues with the other
major browsers as we go forward.
We are first concentrating on fixing some compatibility issues with
the Mozilla browsers, which are mainly visual, not functional. The
main Mozilla problem is a glitch in how tables are displayed. We're
hoping to have this fixed in the near future. We will also be working
to fix some compatibility problems with Safari (Mac).
We ask for your patience as we work on these issues.
The allmusic site remains totally FREE to our users and only requires
registration for access to new Premium Content. If you are
uncomfortable registering, we understand and invite you to continue to
use the portion of the site (roughly equivalent to the former site)
that does not require registration. But we would like to take a moment
to explain why we have intrduced registration for Premium Content. The
AMG websites are FREE sites that are marginally supported by only
advertising and product sales. To attract advertisers and retailers,
we need to provide them with basic demographic information of our
users so they can determine if our site is a fit for their products.
We provide this information only in the aggregate (i.e. 60% of our
users are male) and never pass on any individual user information.
Please read our privacy policy for more information. Without these
advertisers and retailers, the AMG websites would be out of business.
Registration is a common practice among free publishing sites such as
the AMG sites (i.e. NY Times, LA Times, etc.) that fund their
enterprise through advertising and product sales. AMG is in line with
common Internet practices and, as a good Internet citizen, zealously
protects the privacy of our users.
We realized when we designed the tab system that we would make some
folks unhappy, but we felt the trade off was worth it. If we stuck to
the one page approach it would limit our ability to add additional
information. That design approach (one page) just doesn't scale as we
expand content. And it's a real problem with artists with extensive
discographies. We think that once folks take some more time on the
site, they'll see that there is much more information available now
than there was on the old site. The addition of the Songs and Credits
tabs are both good examples of information that just wouldn't be
possible in a one page format.
As bad as the new Allmusic is normally, it's even worse on Mozilla/Firefox (as the response in Demnos' post acknowledges).
But the worst--the worst of all? On any Linux browser I've tried (Firefox for Linux, Mozilla for Linux, Konquerer). The site won't even
LOAD, because whatever Javascripting they are using in the main header seems to be COMPLETELY platofrm (and maybe IE) proprietary. They mention
problems with Mac's Safari, I'm wondering if they aren't the same.
Why couldn't they just leave things alone? The site was perfectly fine like it was.