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eJukebox v3.88 List of Changes
Audiosoft - 7-6-2004 at 09:42 PM

-added "Show Star Ratings in Songlist when not in EDV" display option
-added "Enable Fuzzy Songlist Results" option to the Other tab in order to allow fuzzy search to be disabled
-made album songlists always require matching artist except for compilations
-made Genre searches always non-Fuzzy
-made Genre Menu show as many genres as eJukebox's height will allow instead of only 20
-fixed "&" character in clicked artist or album name causing songlisting problems
-fixed AlbumList Play icon not clearing playlist before playing album - and so it always starts playing the album from the 1st track
-improved songlist title animation smoothness when in EDV
-CD Ripper ignores "." characters in artist, album and titles so that invalid folders and filenames can not be created
-improved playlist display update speed when >> is clicked or song changes
-improved albumlist autoresize speed on album click
-added Inline Searching for Album List Jumps
-fixed database update dialog sometimes showing the wrong number of songs in the database
-fixed wraping of folder name being searched on database update manager
-added "Remove Missing Files" and "Re-Build Folder" Functions to Database Manager under Clean/Refresh
-Missing Files no longer cause playback to stop. When missing files are encountered they are automatically deleted from the database if they are not on a networked drive
-Fixed Genre Menu sometimes not working correctly when albumlist open
-added "To use 2Web in your current browser anyway Click Here" when 2Web user is not using IE
-added "Current Playlist" to Tools button's View Playlist menu. View Playlist now always sorted in playlist order.
-added ability to use mousewheel to page through the playlist
-playlist statusbar now shown when dropping files not yet in the database or more than 25 songs on the playlist
-added ability to drag&drop from autoplay next song display
-added SilverTunes skin to installation
-Various speed improvements

Skin Engine
-fixed updated being reloaded everytime songlist right click or tools menu clicked
-made it so artistlist no longer shows a small white border on the right when in non EDV view
-made style 14 buttons no longer have a purple mousedown highlight
-added ability to add .viewall definition to artistlist.dis for "View All Songs" text.

schonne - 7-6-2004 at 09:56 PM

I just tried to upgrade to version 3.88 by clicking the Upgrade link on the download page and it and it upgraded me to v3.86?

Is that link not attached to the new version or did I make a mistake?

junk - 7-6-2004 at 10:00 PM

This must be the mother of all small, but very important fixes! Great job! I notice the speed fixes as well.. lovely stuff.

When it comes to the update checker, i encountered the same problem as in the post above. I found that i had to exit eJukebox before going on with the installation.

Audiosoft - 7-6-2004 at 10:01 PM

The v3.88 download link is working correctly now.

schonne - 7-6-2004 at 10:03 PM

Man! I just posted about the download link issue about 2 minutes ago and WHAMMO! you fixed it and managed to post a reply here.

This is why I recommend this product to all my friends!

Fishy - 7-7-2004 at 03:51 PM

Very important and fine new version :D
Especially the inline searching works perfectly and is so practical. Making it a lot easier to navigate in a large albumcollection.. Less scrolling etc..
Also bet that someone is happy with having stars in non edv mode and more genres in the genre menu :D

Having the possibility to get rid of fuzzy searching is also a blessing..

Almost don't know what to request and nag about anymore :) Tremendous job with this upgrade Audiosoft!

sidartha - 7-8-2004 at 10:42 PM

I have a couple questions regarding 3.88

added "Enable Fuzzy Songlist Results" option to the Other tab in order to allow fuzzy search to be disabled
I understand what Fuzzy is, I just can't seem to see a difference. Any help?

added Inline Searching for Album List Jumps

made album songlists always require matching artist except for compilations
and huh?


Audiosoft - 7-9-2004 at 12:07 AM

"made album songlists always require matching artist except for compilations"
....this is just a fix so that when you click an album to view all its songs it will only show songs with the album name AND the same artist....instead of just the album name - ie sometimes before when you clicked an album named Greatest Hits it would show all albums named greatest hits instead of the one you clicked.

"Enable Fuzzy Songlist Results"
...You shouldn't really notice much difference with this off now that we have improved the fuzzy searching...but if you uncheck that option it will restrict the songlist to exact if you click Tom Petty in the artist list it will only show songs with the artist name "Tom Petty"...with the option checked it will also show songs by "Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers" when you click "Tom Petty".

"Inline Albumlist Jumps"
... means that you can open the album list and type multiple letters to jump to an artist's albums in the list. i.e. Type LED or click L-E-D on the letterbar to jump to Led Zeppelin in the album list.

Fishy - 7-9-2004 at 11:01 PM

hmm maybe I am missing something but when I choose 'genre' from the main buttons the listing in the albumlist seems fuzzy, even when fuzzy search is disabled.

When I for instance choose "swing".. The very best of dire straits is listed, because the song "Sultans of swing" occurs on that album.. It does seem as it still uses words in the songs and album as 'cues'? This also seems to happen when clicking genres directly in the songlist..

In general the fuzzy search disabling functions fine with artists and albums from both the albumlist and artistlist, but not when choosing genre or year from the main buttons or songlist.. At least not at my system. Haven't rebuilt under 3.88 yet, don't know if that can help on this?

Fishy - 7-10-2004 at 07:37 PM

Hmm.. to ask in another way: Do others get non fuzzy searches on genre and year?

timmyotoole - 7-10-2004 at 08:04 PM

i get non fuzzy results in genrebut the year always gives me all the albums of an artist if the artist has an album from the requested year. it's weird.

Fishy - 7-10-2004 at 08:06 PM

So if you for instance click the genre rock in the songlist.. You don't get everything from the "rock and roll" genre as well? or albums which simply got a song with "rock" in it or "rock" in the albumname?
If so concider yourself lucky :)

Audiosoft - 7-10-2004 at 08:32 PM

With the album list closed you need to select "Only Show Matching Songs" on the Genre and Year menus for it to be totally non-fuzzy for the songlist.

With the Album List open the Genre and Year menus currently perform a fuzzy search for the album listing. We are looking into if we can get the album list's genre/year listings to be non-Fuzzy.

Fishy - 7-10-2004 at 10:26 PM

Ah good to hear that you are working on it.. Since I seldom use ejukebox with the albumlist closed...

Krobar - 7-24-2004 at 02:59 PM

First up thanks for this update, Non fuzzy searching is great.

I still have a few small album issues though, it lists "D and C" and "D and C (Even More)" as the same album on the album list. They should of course appear as two seperate albums.