I love them ... BUT ...
everytime I rebuild the database i spend hours repairing tags with album covers!
You know, is that my problem? I thought I had bad tagging techniques. Now that I look over it, my mp3s are fine, the oggs are the ones needed
constant editing supervision.
Wow, you may have narrowed my annoying bug down.
Now, what is up with oggs then if this is the case.
The problem is that OGG does not support tag encoded album cover images...thus eJukebox does not support reading or writing to OGG tags. Which is why song info data is lost on OGG files when you totally rebuild your eJukebox database. Instead of totally rebuilding: use Add New Files or the Rebuild Folder (coming to eJukebox v3.88) feature on changed mp3 files instead so that it keeps the data for non-MP3 files in eJukebox's database.
So if one were to use exclusivly .ogg, then he would have to edit every single song in the library?
If so, is there a workaround? Im noticing that when EJ loads the .ogg, it displays the song order first, (song 2, ect), then virtually everything
else in the tag. Maybe if I jsut retag my collction so there is no song numbrs jsut artist and song name....
eJukebox gets the song info (artist, title and tracknum) for non-MP3 files during database setup by parsing the file name.
Best supported file names are:
artist - title.xxx
tracknum - artist - title.xxx
If you put each album of non-MP3 files in a unique folder named after the album and put a cover image file named cover.jpg in that folder - it will be
able to read in the album name and cover image.
eJukebox will autolookup the album name and album image based on the artist and title, if you do not put a cover.jpg in the albums folder, when you
first play the file.
I'll chew all that over after dinner and the race.
Thansk for the speedy delivery.